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Category: Life

🦴 | My Experience with surgery

HIHI this silly blog is to document my experience and help others who might have to do surgery soon for the same thing / similar things that I had to do feel better and understand it a bit more!!

I will not go into graphic detail nor will I show images so don't worry!! Nothing here should be too triggering to read :3

So I'd seriously appreciate some Kudos so other people can see it!! I'd like to provide comfort to as many people as I can BFBDBF

Ok so obviously as the title says I had oral surgery today!! I had to expose one of my teeth that has been stuck up there for a while and I needed to get it exposed otherwise it would make the time needed to take my braces off like- extended by 6 damn months.


I went into the clinic around 7:39am, I highly reccomend having a family member / trusted person or guardian drive you there and home!! And also scout out for parking garages nearby your clinic. If you live in the city like I do it's nearly impossible to find parking outside of a parking garage. Also PLEASE make sure you're on time. Yeah I know it's hard, but parking is annoying as FUCK to find.

I started my surgery at around 8:30

Some other people came in and had earlier schedule times than I did so I had to wait a bit!!

I was giving Laughing gas and Numbing stuff- no idea what it's called. I myself did not need to be put to sleep, but it might be different for you. So please be sure to communicate with your surgeon if it isn't working

They stuck a heart monitor to my finger, and layed me back while checking in making sure I was okay and comfortable.

I noticed the effects of the laughing gas within a few minutes, my body was registering me relaxing as pain, which was incredibly scary for me. My body hardly ever relaxes due to constant stress (not healthy I know.), and that was the first time I had ever been given laughing gas. (I might have an eye surgery this year that tbh I don't want to get but I might have to for the sake of my vision.)

They waited a bit, when it took effect I kind of lost my sense of time. But I wasn't feeling any pain.

They then stuck some needles into the roof of my mouth where the tooth was?? I literally could not tell. But it felt like needles, and I think that was more numbing stuff

When they were exposing my tooth all I felt was a LOT of pressure. It felt like it was being pushed on way too much and felt really uncomfortable. (They were not joking when they said I'd only feel pressure. That shit literally makes everything feel like pressure and didn't hurt)

The procedure was around 40-50 minutes? It didn't take too long. And my recovery process will be around a week or so. (I'll be updating and editing this thread throughout the week with any important updates regarding pain, issues that came about, ext!!)

Just a reminder this was a procedure to expose my tooth, and put a bracket and chain on it to move it down to where the rest of my teeth are.

My experience is likley very different from your own, but this might provide comfort for people knowing my experience!!

At the end they gave me gauze, comforted me and sent me on my way, my dad drove me home and got me a coffee. 

Here's a picture of the care plan I was given in case you may need it!!

(Blocked out my clinics name, and phone number for privacy reasons!!)


As of 9:51am 1/24/23

The pain is currently setting in, it hurts, it's more uncomfortable though and it is bleeding!! But not as much as before.

I took some Ibuprofen to help with the pain, but I'm now starting to think I should've asked for a painkiller prescription. 

9:57am 1/24/23

I am now in aching pain, lord please spare me /j

I did replace the gauze in my mouth, there's a lot more blood than I expected there to be and I am not having fun

I better get a few days off of school for this ( ´△`)

10:43am 1/24/23

Accidentally damaged the blood clot that formed, currently bleeding profusely and grabbed a roll of toilet paper instead of gauze 

I am going to sob if this goes on all day

5:02pm 1/24/23

Took a nap, no longer in pain or bleeding a ton. Struggling to eat things though and I can't taste much sovs

1 Kudos


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