I didnt post yesterday, or the day before, or the day before that, because I didnt get time, apologies!!

Ikkicon day one was AAMAZING.!!! OuO

We got there at 2pm, and were basically lost the whole time, but the artist ally was amazing and the few pannels we werent to were quite nice. Everyone reconized my cosplay, and some people even recconized me!Β 

I diidd join a cosplay contest, however. It was an interesting experience. It took around 3 hours to get fully over with, and the stage was SO small! We had to catwalk, and I had a plan where my friend would jump out from behind me, and they almost jumped OFF the stage!! Also, the lights were blinding. When we walked off the stage, I fell down the stairs.Β  We didnt place, which is okay! My friend and I blame sandbaggers XD

Day 2 was a WHOLE lot shorter, but we joined COSPLAY CHEST!!! It was SUPER fun, and I was in Noelle cosplay. When it came my turn to kill someone, I got to do act out snowgrave :3

Anyways, Im already planning out my next con!! Til next time, gaymers!!1!!!

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