
yoo i wanna start skating agaijn (skateboarding), its been like a year and a half since ive been out on my board bcs of lack of motivation and mental stuff, but now i wanna start doing it again i feel like itll b so good for my mental health and just to get out and do smth yk?/ plus its so fun :D

i tried going out on my board a few days ago and the bearings and wheels were fuckn rustedd af bro πŸ’€ the wheels were like stiff as hell. im so saddd cus i rlly wanna skate againn so hoepfully i can get a new board soon.Β 

also ik most stuff about how to begin skating and stuff but if anyone knows any information on how to have the best experience sk8ing LMK!!!! and im on like a month break from all drugs so yea i be bored asfk :/ </3 anyways yea if anyone knows hmu!!

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SLIM GRIMS's profile picture

Also, are you going to get a new board/setup because of rust? You can just take it apart and clean it. You might have to replace the bearings, but those are way cheap. What brand trucks do you have?

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naww, ima get a new deck cuz i dont like the design on mine and yea ill prob jus clean them or smth and get new bearrings , also idk what kinda trucks i have lemme go check

by cami πŸ’‰; ; Report

Always fun to get a new deck, good excuse haha. I have Krux, they're sweet. A lil pricey, but so great.

by SLIM GRIMS; ; Report

lol fr, ill try krux mayb, do yk any good skate decks like idk i heard girl and element are good but idk everyones different

by cami πŸ’‰; ; Report

Imma be real, I really only go by price and thickness of the deck.. I've gotten Roger Skate Co and Heart Supply decks recently. They're pretty damn good, though the heart supply feels thicker than the Roger Skate Co, so it's a little bulky, I think it's because it's a bit cheaper lol

I'm a skate nerd, what size wheels do you have? I had to get huge ones cos I live in gravel land lol


by SLIM GRIMS; ; Report

ohh okok does thickness ride better or wha ?? also how do i check xd ToT i havent been into this stuff in a while also sorry for my shitty responses

by cami πŸ’‰; ; Report

It's doesnt really make a difference except with thickness, when I said the heart supply seemed thicker, I also meant it's just a little heavier than the Roger Skate Co, so it takes a little more getting used to with turns. It just depends on what you like/how you skate. There are dimensions on most decks online, but I think they're making shit up half the time lol
And if you were asking about wheel sizes, they usually say the mm and durometer on the wheels.

by SLIM GRIMS; ; Report

ah, okay okay good 2 knoww tyy, and idk if my shi just faded off but it doesnt say the size lmfao

by cami πŸ’‰; ; Report

That sucks, maybe you got some whack wheels. I guess just measure them in mm and squeeze them if youre gonna buy new ones lol the higher the durometer the harder they are.

by SLIM GRIMS; ; Report


SLIM GRIMS's profile picture

Just enjoy and work on control, I picked it up again after 15 years...can't really do any tricks, but I can skate everywhere in town that my wheels will allow aha

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π•²π–Šπ–“π•Έπ–”π–—π–™π–Žπ–‹π–Žπ–Šπ–‰'s profile picture

NO WAY I wanna start skating for realz too cause I have 2 skateboards that are like, 10 years old since my older siblings used to skate xDD but yeah, you should totally try it out and practice on flat grounds (obvi) cause the last time I tried to do it when I was 10 i fell on my back rrrlllllyyyy hard o_O (im ok tho lol) BUT DO IT WOOOOO!!!

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OMGZ lets do it together frlll ! i used to but its been way 2 long i needa get a new board i still havent yet nd i wanna learn tricks but its SO HARD, i went down a hill rlly fast once and fell so hard thought i had to go to the hospital but i was fjne LMAO

by cami πŸ’‰; ; Report


littlem00n's profile picture

I know nothing about skating but seems like youre gonna do well once you get your hands on a new skateboard. Good luck!

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hopefully.. lmfao, tysm!! :D

by cami πŸ’‰; ; Report


Alyx's profile picture

Get comfortable with ur board before trying any tricks, ride around a ton and loosen or tighten ur trucks however you feel best 🧘

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yass, thank u :))

by cami πŸ’‰; ; Report