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Category: SpaceHey

We need more forums

Let's be real, a bunch of the current forums arent enough. For an example lets take the tv, movies, series whateves forum, seems fine right? Well within said forum, anime is included. Now im not complaining in a sense of "filthy anime reeeeee gtfo my forum" no no far from it, im complaining in a sense that: if you want to talk about a specific anime youre pretty much fucked. Why not just seperate the two? Also i find that theres a lack of other forums that could be interesting like history or science or smthng. It feels way too confusing and when you want to post something on your blog, relating to a certain forum, well tough luck....theres nada.

Also the fact that theres no notification system lowkey sucks ass (ㆆ_ㆆ)

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GRIFFEN's profile picture

HEY! i'm on those forums!

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the spacehey ones, not any anime forums

by GRIFFEN; ; Report

Pardon, i feel like i havent properly understood what you said......youre on the spacehey forums and....? Not in a disrespectful way im just trying to understand, sorry if im slow ^_^;

by Cannico; ; Report

i am NUMBER 4 (and number 9) TOP FORUM POST OWNER OF "Web, Tech, HTML" FORUMS

by GRIFFEN; ; Report


by Cannico; ; Report

glad to inform you!

by GRIFFEN; ; Report