Just Roleplay Info

Hello thank you for taking the time to read this. A bit of an introduction to the writer. Was on the original Myspace back in the day but fell out of it as the years went by. Ive been RPing for 9 years now and I do enjoy it I do prefer literate responses.

My character is Kiyose Enami a secondary character from the anime\manga Slow Start She is a teacher at an all girls Academy. Her personality is in the About me section if you're wondering.

As far as RPs go Im not picky about my partners but I am picky about grammar one line or lazy replies are a great way to turn me off from RPing with you keep this in mind if you do want to role play at all. My DMs are open for you and I reply in the 3rd person. If you just want to talk that's fine to this site is made for making friends after all. Any request for private information or a meet up will be responded with a report. I wont ask you for private info so please do the same.

Also shipping is available but it takes time don't come to my DMs requesting to ship with Kiyose Id rather build up first also if you're underage all RPs will be SFW so dont come in asking for NSFW stuff if you are a minor. Also Im a adult with a full time job that has horrible hours so it could take me time to reply please have patience with me.

I think that's all but have fun at the end of the day!

0 Kudos


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