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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Second week of my dream journal entries


A lot of caves. I don't remember what exactly but it was very unsettling. Then I dreamt my homemade saltdough insence burner (which I had actually made irl) wouldn't dry so I ate it.


Hoo boy, this one is both weird and long.

i dreamt I was boarding a plane and a woman was showing me a video she made about perfume that went viral. I "watched" it by posessing her younger daughter's pov. It had nothing to do with perfume and she kept telling me to put something in "my" bedroom and I had to tell her that I didn't know where it was because I wasn't actually her kid. I eventually turn back into myself, and the woman and her eldest daughter go out into town, while her youngest daughter tries to befriend me. For some reason I don't like her and go outside to tell her older sister I won't be friends with either of them.

I gradually turn into Merlin (at least, I possess his pov like i did with the girl). Arthur is there and he's madly in love with Merlin (I'm not some huge merthur shipper or anything so I have no clue where this came from), and he's clinging to Merlin/me like crazy. Apparently he's under some kind of spell. We end up being transported to a huge, empty town square, along with an amalgamation of Leon and Gwaine (Gweon?) where we have to fight an army using crossbows. The three/four of us have to fire back with these really shitty bows until I decide this plotpoint is inconvenient and stupid, so I make the army dissapear. I worry for a moment that I'm going to wake up, then promptly forget I'm dreaming. We go to inspect the first townhouse on the square.

It's super narrow and I think it belongs to the first family? By this time I'm not seeing things through Merlin's pov anymore, just walking alongside the gang. The house is divided in three narrow sections; one kitchen, one diningroom/kitchen and one living room. We go upstairs using a ladder and enter a bed"room" where the floor consists of entirely of colourfully padded pallets we need to flip down so we can get around. The rooms slowly starts to morph into my dad's old room (that he apparently shares with his uncle?). He has a lot of glass display cases with cool see-through lego, dvds and specifically ps2 games. Also one shrinkwrapped unworn black converse and one shrinkwrapped brown converse. At this point the house has turned into a treehouse and the Merlin crew is gone. There's an extra room for entertaining guests decorated entirely with antiques (I nearly knock over a table). Someone tells me there's a restaurant on the roof and we take the ladder upstairs. 

New storyline, I'm a journalist investigating a cult that's asking members insane amounts of money and conditioning them to be super insecure (wow ok?). I'm hiding and crawling under coffee tables, exchanging money and blessings with members and i think I'm being indoctrinated? We move on to the next floor of the cult which is kinda like that cult sam o' nella talked about once with a pool. I have to pick a guy (why? idk) but I'm confusing the shit out of them because I'm telling them very honestly that I think their uniforms are stupid. 

They present a whole show but I end up picking a completely different guy after having a nice chat with him. We go to a different pool and mans has located a vampire bite on my ankle, tries to open it, fails, and bites a new spot on my ankle to drink my blood. I don't know why he did that but I was chill with it.


Dreamt I had gone back to college and got the assignment to watch a movie adaptation of any literature. This confused the hell out of me because does that mean I can just watch an adaptation of an adaptation of cinderella, because that's technically literature, right? (not sure if that was sound logic, probably not, but then again I don't know jack shit about literature). There's something about a parked car and then the dream shifts to an open spot in a forest with two mates and we're flying with falcons. There's a lot of them. We land, I try to pet a falcon, the falcon says no thank you, now there's cats too. I discuss dreams with the guys.


There was a lot but the only thing I can remember is a fake Merlin episode (I was watching a lot of Merlin during this time, can you tell?) where the guys travelled through Camelot with a convoy of refugees. Colette is travelling with them while she tries to hide the fact that she has a baby with her. She was accompanied by someone but I couldn't tell who. Eventually her, Arthur and Merlin are the only ones awake and the guys learn of Colette's baby because it won't stop crying, so Arthur goes over to her and holds and soothes him. Was actually really sweet and felt like a real episode.


I know I dreamt a lot but the only thing I can remember is being in a sort of theater after having my bridge piercing (I had an appointment to get this exact piercing irl in only a few days and I was really worried). I got a snack and I think Crisp was there? I've been dreaming a lot about old classmates for some reason. 


Shopping in the nearby organic upermarket and they had a whole system to enter the store like they had at the height of covid. I needed two carrots and they charged me 4 (four!!!!!) dollars for them even though one was already half eaten. 

I met dad outside the store and he had like this huge bubblegum pink floatie we used to fly over the neighbourhood. When we landed we sat in a park on the swings. Something happened with a car in a driveway.

Then I was in a department store taking a shower in an elevator and a youtuber I watch sometimes was there as well and we ended up sharing the shower and complaining about youtube's double standards with the censorship of female bodies (not something I really actively think about on a daily basis but still valid criticism I suppose). Anyway we went back downstairs and a few friends were trying to make breakfast using a display deepfryer. I visit a christmas market and order a beer and chocolate chip cookie. Both are huge and I eat them sitting in a random restaurant. 


Can't remember.

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