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Category: Music

Crossfading In Music

One of my favourite things ever in music as a whole is songs which crossfade into eachother as well as crossfading albums. This is especially prominent inside of concept albums, which are also some of my favourite. One of the biggest reasons Pink Floyd is one of my favourite bands is because of their absolutely wonderful concept albums and their ability to crossfade them so seamlessly. Listening to pretty much any of their albums post 1972 (with the exception of some songs on some albums prior) is such a great experience. In my opinion, sitting through an album should be an experience, where as listening to many albums start to finish seem to replicate the feeling of flicking through TV channels when progressing through songs. This kind of feeling of being satisfied with listening to an album in it's entirety is something I hope to replicate with my own projects in the future. 

Album structure is also extremely important and is necessary to get someone to actually stay the entire length of an album. While some albums don't have songs that crossfade into eachother, they are still structured in a way that makes for a satisifying complete listen. One of my favourite examples of this is Radiohead's In Rainbows, as I wouldn't rearrange that album one bit from the way it was released. Speaking of In Rainbows, another way of crossfading songs is to have two songs crammed together into one. This can make for some of the most satisfying crossfades as they were specifically made to played as one song together. My favourite example of this is "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi" from In Rainbows. 

Tyler The Creator does this on every single album release, with the 10th track of every single album being two songs put into one (with the exception of his album Wolf that has 3 songs mixed into one). 

Another great example is from Tool's "Lateralus", whereas although seperate, "Parabol" and "Parabola" are meant to be played back to back. (tool reference here for a certain someone :3)

Overall, an amazing effect that can really add to the feeling an album gives you upon listen, especially when listening to a physical release of one.

3 Kudos


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Chris ☆

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TOOL REFERENCE i fucking love when songs crossfade it’s so satisfying

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by hayden; ; Report