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Category: Music

Mort Garson's "Plantasia" :) <3

I love Mort Garson's "Plantasia" it is seriously one of the best things I've ever heard. my favourite song off of it has to be "Swingin' Spathiphyllums". The idea of an entire album dedicated specifically to plants is just the cutest ever I love it so much. Everytime I revisit this album I just wish I had a prosperous garden to tend to everyday. I think I will start a garden during the summer. I remember back when I was in the hospital a month and a half ago and being able to hear this album again was such a relieving feeling. It is just such a happy album. I also remember being super super stressed out over this math test last year and I kept this song on throughout the entire test and it ended up getting me the highest test mark I ever received on a test in that class.

  Swingin' Spathiphyllums!!!

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VivaFriends!'s profile picture

Oh my god I should get back into this sort of music, I was OBSESSED with plantasia in 2020/2021, I even have the CD! I, too, listened to it while studying!

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thats so awesome!! i used to be really into this genre of music back in 2020, it truly is some beautiful stuff. if you havent, i highly recommend naran ratan's "trees etc." as well as Masakatsu Takagi's "Kagayagi"! Both great albums that give me a similar feeling to this one :)

by hayden; ; Report

i also saw this on vinyl the other day and am definitely going back to pick one up soon its too good to not have on vinyl.

by hayden; ; Report

HOLY SHIT! Where did you find it on vinyl? Surely that would be online the internet, right? Or are the record stores in your area really just that cool

by VivaFriends!; ; Report

I did actually find it in a local store! It's a hidden gem 100%. Im sure you could definitely find it somewhere online too.

by hayden; ; Report