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Category: Writing and Poetry


Today was just..meh. Nothing really happened work was fine and all. I am going to start improving some things about myself starting now just so this exam week goes by a little easier and the new semester starts off right. I feel as though I always have the urge to do a lot of things but never actually seem to do any of them. The last couple months I just haven't really done anything at all and it sort of eats at me because I'm just so bored all the time. However, I'd like to change that because I find when I just force myself to start doing something I usually have a pretty enjoyable time doing it so I would like to get back in the swing of doing things like making music and such. Tonight I will begin to set all of that stuff up so I can actually...yknow do it. I'll also start video editing again too because I've been missing that a ton recently.. Anything that comes from my creativity that I make will be posted here somehow!! Just so I have somewhere to share everything considering I don't use any other social media. Also my spacehey sucks and I hate it so I am going to teach myself how to use css and make spacehey themes for myself based off of cool albums because I want to. I think I'll make a carrd and use it as another blog as well sometime in the future.

1 Kudos


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