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Category: SpaceHey

Blog + Bulletin CSS! :D

I originally made this a bulletin but I figured it would be more useful as a blog post. :D

For the most part, your blog and bulletin css will be the same as your profile css. The only thing you need to add is some code for the edit-info box. Here's a template, just add it to your <style> tags. 

To add code to your blog, add click on the <> button and paste it in. To add code to your bulletins, you need to paste the code as a link but keep the text box blank. Here's someone else's tutorial

Have fun and remember to stay safe online! 

<3 rin

10 Kudos


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Fawkes's profile picture

The blog you linked to has been deleted. Here's a backup https://web.archive.org/web/20230521194546/https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=554959

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yeah I think the original poster had their account deleted a few months back... :/ Thanks for the link though. :D

by 96haato; ; Report