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Category: Life

Survey about me! ^.^ (For fun!)

I saw this on another blog, thought I'd give it a go!

Survey about me!!!

Name: JT, Aiden, or Aurora (rarely)

Nicknames: Corgibutt, Loaf, wheels 

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Eye colour: dark brown

Hair color: Dark brown (for now!)

Hair type: Medium/long brown hair that's a bit messy right now... I need a new 'do.

Height: Just over 3’something. Yes, I'm serious. Real little person on wheels!

My heritage: Oh, I have a lot! Scottish, German, Native American, maybe some Irish and English?

Middle name?: Wouldn't you like to know?~

Shoes I wore today: Just socks. Don't need shoes! But would love a pair of Converse~

My weakness: 2000's nostalgia obv, and anything pumpkin spice...

My fear: Being alone.

Goal I would like to achieve this year: Make more friends, be productive, and a new hairstyle!

First thought when I wake up: Why- GOTTA PEE.

Best physical feature: Huh... Good question... Buns? >w<

Who is my bestest friend?: Oh golly, do I have to pick?!

When is my bedtime?: When my brain allows me to.

My most cherished memory: Not sure if it's my most cherished, as I have several that I can't pick from... But a few are: My early days on AOL/the internet as a whole. Meeting friends on AIM, FanArt Central, Deviant Art, Neopets, and so many other early internet locations... Strong memories of meeting friends that I still talk to, to this day! And the memories of talking online with my semi-long distance first grilfriend back in my teens. I miss her a ton as a friend. I miss a lot of people I lost contact with in the My Space and AOL days.

Pepsi or Coke?: Coke for life! (But I love N02 Energy~)

McDonalds or Burger King?: Ba da ba ba ba~ I'm lovin' it! TY Mini beanies and Neopets plush Happy Meals, yo! (But I like Burger King too! Remember the pokemon toys and the Spongebob watches?)

Single or group dates?: yes please!

What is the last song I sang?: I think.. Separate Ways originally by Journey, but was singing along to Daughtry and Lzzy Hale's cover!

Does playing the guitar make a person more attractive?: Oh hell yeah.

What is my biggest pet peeve?: Being treated like a child due to my size, despite being 30...

Have I ever drank?: Yep! 

Have I ever been drunk?: Only got legit drunk once. Never again... But an occasional drink is fine~

Have I ever smoked?: Yes. Hated cigarettes, but I vape sometimes. And I've smoked weed, but not irresponsibly.

Do I sing?: Yep!

Do I want to go to college?: Not really.

Have I ever been in love?: Aye, I have... At least twice. (Was married for a short time.)

Do I want to get married?: Not really sure anymore.

Do I believe in yourself?: do I have to answer that? >.>;

Do I believe in others?: Absolutely! Especially my friends!

Do I like thunderstorms?: Yes! So long as they aren't so severe it spawns a damn Tornado...

Do I play an instrument?: Does a penny or tin whistle count?

What country would I like to visit?: Japan for sure, and I'd love going back to the UK someday!

How many CDs do I own?: Too many to list!

How many DVDs do I own?: Again, too many to list!

How many tattoos do I have?: None so far, but I'm planning on getting one!

How many piercings do I have?: None, but also debating getting one...

How many things in the past do you regret?: Too many to list~ 


Shoes: Probably Converse and SOAP shoes! (But I don't wear shoes, really.)

Radio station: Does Radio Disney still count?

Drinks: Coke, Nos Energy, Sprite Cranberry, Pumpkin Spice Coffee (iced, frappe, or hot!) 

Cars: Camaros, Skylines, Supras, Teslas, and the Delorean! (Also nearly any Chevy)

Places: Retro game stores, Gaming tavern in my town, the larger malls (At least when they were alive), 2nd and Charles, Anime or furry cons!

Bands/Vocalists: Daughtry, Hilary Duff, Lzzy Hale, Starset, Crush 40, Nathan Sharp, Jonathan Young, Caleb Hyles, AmaLee, Tommy Vext, ONE OK ROCK, Linkin Park, Yasuharu Takanashi, Skye Rocket, Red, Black Veil Brides, MCR, Skillet, Halocene, Lauren Babic, Foo Fighters, Three Days Grace, Simple Plan, Evanescence, Rise Against, Hollywood Undead, Thirty Seconds To Mars, 3 Doors Down, Breaking Benjamin, Avril Lavigne, Green Day, Smash Mouth, blink-182, Good Charlotte, 

Movies: Fast and furious (entire series), Pirates of the Caribbean (entire series), The Polar Express, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (live action), Home alone 1-3, Sam Raimi Spider-Man films, Iron Man (entire series) xXx 1 and 3 (2 was ok), Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2.

Moment: First kiss~ Still think about her from time to time, but it wasn't my first girlfriend! Actually happened right after she and I had broken up, and my friend blurted out she would kiss me.

Colors: Red, crimson, black, gold, teal, cyan, aqua, electric blue. 

Meal: Mom's cube steak and gravy, Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and a side of veggies of some sort (usually green beans or pickled beats), shelled mac and cheese, STEAK!, and most liekly a good bowl of ramen~

In a person

Eye color: Blue, green, red, or silver~ (but I'm not picky.)

Hair color: I might be partial to gingers or redheads... But I really love unnatural colors too! Again, not picky... Raven hair is really nice too~

Short or long hair: Long, but I can still dig short!

Height: Doesn't matter, other than them needing to be tall enough to lift me!

Body type: Well... I like more "Soft" body types. thicc, curvy, plush... But again, not picky! Thin or even toned/muscly body types are nice too! Toned ladies for sure rock my socks as much as curvy ones do... Guys: Fem body types are for sure my type,. But slightly chubby/soft or even toned but not beefy guys are also lovely~

Ethnicity: Doesn't matter!~ <3

Piercings: Yes please.

Tattoos: Marry me.

~Bedside Manners~

Do I think I'm attractive?: I plead the fifth.

Am I attracted to someone who doesn't know it?: I... don't think so. Maybe!

Would I like to be someone's fantasy?: Sure! But I doubt that's gonna happen.

Hunter or hunted?: Yes.

Cuddles in general?: Total cuddle slut, so yes. 

~Right Now~

What is today's date?: 01.13.2023

What time is it?: 2.16 PM

Who am I thinking of?: Past friends.

What am I listening to?: Nostalgic tunes~

Do I love someone?: Of course. Even if they never truly loved me back. Or don't anymore.

Does someone love me?: Well, sure! Platonically anyways. Familial? Of course. Romantically or physically? Not that I know of!

Is it raining?: It has been all day... Legit was hiding out from tornadic weather. But it isn't now.

How many spacehey friends do I have?: 30 something currently I think?

Am I happy?: Well, no one's happy all the time. So sometimes! I try to be as often as I can ^^

Feel free to copy and put in your own answers! 

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