how are people like 15 using this site

no offense or anything lmao but genuinely how does anyone younger than at least 20 even understand how to use this website and i don't mean it in a Bah the kids way bc fuck that lol. just genuinely curious abt it. "i" talked with my therapist today about the logistics of the attempted scene revival and how weird it is trying to mesh an entirely socially dead culture with this new norm of panopticon social media observation. they seem to be entirely opposed to eachother but kids are still drawn to it. i wonder if it's because of the rebelliousness or because of the allure of a time where technology was still new and more disconnected from it's current state in the world.

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Izzzzzzzzzzzy's profile picture

I think the reason why so many younger people are drawn to it (myself included) is because of how compelling antiquity can be. It's both a break from all the nuance and complexity of modern online culture and a chance to partake in an online era that's commonly romanticized. Couple that with the fact that most older GenZ-ers where just barely old enough to catch the tailwind of the MySpace era internet as children, giving them a sense of longing for the time they got so little of.

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Exactly! It feels like your literally getting in a time travel machine when you open this website to me. I absolutely love it as someone who BARELY remembers the time of scene and emo culture from when I was a kid. My brothers friends were all scene kids and I distinctively remember seeing myspace on his computer alot cause he would show me cool stuff on it aswell as all his friends looking like they came straight out of a scene band.

I would totally love to just.. go back to that time period just for a day, of course id wanna be the same age as now to actually experience it ofc. It'd be really cool.

by ⛧Daisyhead⛧ (profile plays music :3); ; Report


cutesweetnerd8's profile picture

itz not that hard to mess aroun actually C:

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by Stevie1064; ; Report