school just started!! >.<

winter vacations just ended 4 me n now school is starting soon! i better work my hardest n graduate with a good grades or else i won't b able to get a job!! >:| 

japan is strict but i hab 2 keep on fighting. >:D now dat im done, 

to cool ppl who read my blog, wats ur fav subject? mine is def arts n technology!!! XJ
ur free to ramble here if u wish! idm ^^

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I have to say my education classes are an absolute blast but boy are they draining. You never realize just how much effort teaching is until you begin doing it 눈_눈
How strict is school in Japan? I've heard broad things about it but I don't know anything specific.

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4 my school (idk abt the others) i'd say that theres tests every week and the hw/assignments r hard. u have 2 be in class on time or else they take away a point from u. grading here also is strict and depending on the teacher you have to work v hard 2 get an A @.@" its liek evry other school system but 2x.. 3x more harder since japan is all abt perfections.

by RandomKrabz; ; Report