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Category: Life

About Me: Questions Part: Two

what is the most ridiculous nightmare you have ever had?

honestly speaking i really cant' remember at all, the moment i wakeup it's the exact same moment i forget what was the nightmare was about and all i can remember is i had a nightmare, but what's in the nightmare exactly.

If your pet could talk, what he might say about you?

Honestly speaking i really don't know because all i know is that my dog loves me and extremely submissive to me and he never likes to make me mad or sad at all, but maybe if i thought about something that he might say about me it's going to be the following :'she's kind and she loves me dearly, but she's sometimes crazy when i do something wrong", that's what he would say (i guess).

What is the strangest coincidence that ever happen to you?

that i have met an old school mate, in the sports club i go to, and back in my mind i never thought i would ever face him again because i never liked him in school and never like him now, he's like the most annoying person ever anybody can meet.

what is your favorite random fact?

that in Japanese language the name of the country (Japan) could be "Nihon" or "Nippon" .

What is your useless talent?

I really don't think i have any talent in the first place and to begin with, so most definitly i wont be having useless talent.

What is the strangest food combination that you enjoy?

i really don't like wired food combination in the first place and to begin with.

If you would choose super power what would it be?

read peoples minds to know what they are thinking about me or other stuff, i was always curious about what people are thinking...

what is your strangest irrational fear?

i don't know if that counts but its darkness...

what id the greatest thing you would do for $100?

i don't do crazy stuff at all not for money not for fun, so this bet will never work with me.

what is your go - to karaoke song?

first love (Japanese song) by utada hikarue (Japanese singer).

What did you do as a teenager that makes you cringe right now?

honestly speaking i really can't remember and that's a fact.

What is your guilty pleasure?

eating all kinds of carbs, eating chocolate and chocolate ice cream...

dose your family practice any unusual traditions?

no, not at all.

what is the best halloween costume you ever worn?

i don't celebrate halloween and for a fact i never wore any halloween costume.

NOTE: sorry this blog post ran short, ill try to make it up next time in the upcoming blog post... 

so, goodnight and sweet dreams 

Nirvana A. EL Didi

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