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Thoughts on KMFDM and it's sad connection to dickheads

I think it's hilarious that the Columbine shooters loved the band as their music is mostly anti-government, anti-war, anti-greed, etc..

And most importantly, ANTI-FASCIST. Like?? They were literally listening to music that was against everything they stood for, as from what I gather the pair of them were white supremacists.
Just goes to show how fucking stupid they both were lol

It doesn't take long to realize the meanings and messages of KMFDM, just listen to their lyrics. Which sucks as the shooters obviously didn't use their brains to realize that the band WASN'T promoting violence and genocide, as they probably wanted to make themselves believe.

To conclude, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold are a pair of nimrods for so many reasons that should be obvious.

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sugarcookiebella's profile picture

ty for this

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