atabilmek için dedim ki benim hakkımda olduğundan daha fazla endişelenmiyor. Mesaj atarken babam Blase durdu, böylece onu yakalayabildim ve çok fazla geride kalmadım.
“ Çok uzun sürdüğüm için üzgünüm. ” Onun yönüne bakarken ve naekimi çizerken hiçbir duygu olmadan söylüyorum. İlk etapta yaptığımız işe devam edebilmemiz için onu yakalamak için yürümeye başlıyorum. “ Sorun değil, seni beklemeyi umursamıyorum. ” Blase, protezimden gözüme bakarken dedi. Soğuk gözüme bakmasına rağmen hala gülümsedi. Blase kapıdan çıkmaya başlar ve onu yakından takip ederim. Blase ve ben apartman kapılarından sonbahar esintisine geçtikten sonra dilimlemede yürüyoruz. Blase ve ben, terk edilmiş kiliseye yol açan parka giden yolda yürüyorduk çünkü bu tanrının terk ettiği kasabada yapacak hiçbir şey yok.
…….Zaman kayması…….
Kiliseye yaklaştığımızda hafif esintiye rağmen çok daha soğuk bir sıcaklığa düştü. Blazes nefesinin beyaz hava ponponlarında çıktığını görmek gerçekten son pipetimdi, gerçekten anahtarı tıkadı. Blase önümde biraz ama hizmet edecek bir şey değildi. “ Hey Blase, bir dakika buraya gelebilir misin? Sanırım burada harika bir şey buldum. ” Sesimde öfke ile dedim ama birisinin hemen fark etmesi için yeterli değil. ”Oh evet bana bir saniye ver tamam Vamp tam orada olacağım. ” Blase bana bakmak için dönerken dedi. Koltuk değneklerini kullanarak yavaşça bana doğru yürüyor, böylece tamamen düşmüyor. Tam önümde olduğu anda koltuk değneklerini tekmeliyorum, o yüzden düşüyor ve elini ağzına kadar tırmanıyorum, böylece yardım için çığlık atamıyor istese bile.
“ Sadece etini yaptığınız birini asla bu kişinin diğer kişi için iyi bitmediği bir yere götürmemeniz gerektiğini biliyorsunuz. ” Maskemi açıp saçımı çözerken gözlerinde Blase'a bakarken yüzümü görebilmesi için söylüyorum. “ Sence güzel görünüyorum çünkü güzel görünüyorum. ” Deli bir adam gibi gülümserken söylüyorum. Yavaşça Blases başını yana çevirerek dudaklarım boynuna doğru fırçalıyor. Ağzımı açarak tüm dişlerim ona bakarken, hokkabazının cildi puchering yaptığı yerde ısırırken gösterir. Kan ağzıma ve boğazımdan akarken hayatın gözlerinden kaybolduğunu görebiliyorum . Kanı boynunun her yerinde ve yüzünün bir kısmında ve ağzımın, boynumun ve gömleğimin her yerinde. “ Şimdi Blase, bu kadar yakışıklı ve sakin görünmüyor musun? ” Kan onun etrafında toplanmaya başladığında ağzım boynunu terk ederken diyorum.
Kanını içmeye devam ederken ne yaptığımı fark edip duruyorum ve vücudunu talihsiz bir ruh tarafından bulmak için hızla terk ediyorum. Protezimi ve saç bağımı benimle alıyorum, yavaşça kiliseden çıkarken ne yapmam gerektiğini anlıyorum ve dairelere giderken geçtiğimiz polis karakoluna gidiyorum. Karakola yürümek dünyanın en uzun yürüyüşü gibi geldi. İnsanlar bana bakıyordu, bana bağırıyor, benden kaçıyorlardı ama istasyonun kapılarına gelir gelmez bir memurun isteği üzerine yürüdüm. “ Bir memurun konuşmasını istiyorum. Birini öldürdüm ve biriyle konuşmak istiyorum. ” Resepsiyonist o tezgahın üzerindeki düğmeyi bussed ve bir memur sol kapı kapı belirdi ve beni kelepçeler koymak ve sorgulamak için beni götürdü dedi.
…….Flashback'in sonu…….
“ Ve şu anda buradayız bu doğru Bay Woods. ” Bay Keysworth, bu sorgulamaya devam edebilmemiz için cevabımı beklerken söyledi. ”Evet bu doğru Bay Keysworth. ” Ondan uzağa ve iki taraflı aynaya baktığımı söylüyorum. ”Tamam o zaman burada işimiz bitti. ” Bay Keysworth odadan ayrılmak için ayağa kalkarken dedi. Odanın etrafına baktığımda bir ayna, bir kapı ve birkaç pencere görüyorum. Sağımdaki aynaya bakmak ve maskeyi düzeltmek için başımı döndürüyorum.
The Incident
“Can you tell me more about the body?” Mr. Keysworth asked me while fixing his glasses waiting for my answer, writing something on his notepad. Something I couldn’t see but deeply wanted to, just to see what he thought of me. “Which…one?” I said with a blank tone with little to no emotion heard from my busted and bloody lips behind my dirty light pink/grey prosthetic mask. My eyes looking right at him, the hatred in my eyes making him shift under my cold stare. “Would you like it if I started at the beginning.” I ask not really wanting an answer but waiting for one anyways. Moving my black hair out of my eyes and tying it in a low ponytail. “ Yes, that would be appreciated and make it much easier for the both of us.” Mr Keysworth said again writing something in his notepad, something I couldn’t see again bugging me. “Fine…” I sighed looking away from him.
“The urges started when I moved here; they got worse when I met him.” I said with a slight hint of anger huffing from the thought of him in my mind pleging it with his face. “And who might this him be?” Mr. Keysworth asked, waiting for my answer for him to write down notes. “His name was Blase and I guess he just pushed it over the edge at some point.” I say with a misty look in my eyes despite the anger seeping through my words. I look away to catch my breath and think for a moment before continuing with the conversion. “He was a nice kid, just gullible if anything he trusted people too quickly he was too innocent despite what was happening around him.” I said, still having anger in my voice. “What else, how about you start when you came to New Jersey.” Mr. Keysworth said as a suggestion. “ I came here when I was about 16 just after my dad got his new job.”
I paused but continued on with my story. “ I was getting unpacked with my dad when he suggested that I go look around the apartment complex. I was looking around and knocking on doors to get to know everybody when I ran into Blase and his mom for the first time.” I turned my head to look right into Mr.Keyswoths eyes. “My first thought when I saw Blase is that he would be fun to play with.” I said with a chilling voice absent of all emotion but anger.
Me and my dad were unpacking and I decided to take a break and meet all the neighbours and look around. Going from floor to floor meeting people from all backgrounds mean and nice. Finally coming to the last door on the first floor. Knocking on the door and waiting for a response. Despite the loud music through the door you could hear someone stumbly to the door as fast as they could. “Hi i'm your new neighbour i just moved in with my dad.” I say softly not really caring if they heard me not. “Oh that's you sorry me and my mom have been busy cleaning our room, my name's Blase Undead by the way what's yours.” Blase said with a happy voice leaning on the door frame despise his forearm crutches keeping him up.
“My name is…..Vamp Woods.” I say with a long pause and then finally finish the sentence with my name. Underneath my prostec i was smiling a wicked smile but no one would ever see. “That's a cool name. I can't wait to have someone around my age in the apartments. Oh and nice mask but I think it's too early for halloween don’t you think?” Blase said while smiling not really thinking of the consequences of his words on person. “It's not a mask it's a prosctice.” I say with an irritated groun. “ Oh sorry I don’t know I didn't mean to be rude.” Blase said with a lop-sided grin while fixing his hold on his crutches. “HEY MOM I'M GOING TO GO SHOW THE NEW KID AROUND THE PARK OR SOMETHING.!!!!!” Blase yelled so his mom could hear him over the loud music. “OK DON’T KIDNAPED HONEY!!!” His mom yelled so his mom could hear it over the music.
Blase shuts the door and locks it behind him. “So what are we going to do now?” I asked Balse while looking down at him despite my hair covering most of my prosthetic. I tilted my head so he could tell I was listening to him when or if he answered.”We are going to the park, or maybe the abandoned church.” He said while fixing his arms one more time before walking ahead of me so that I followed him wherever he was taking me. “Ok just let me text my dad that i'm going to look around with one of the kids here to look around the town or something along those lines. '' I said while taking out my phone so that I could text him so he doesn't worry more than he does about me. While I was texting my dad Blase stopped so that I could catch up with him and not fall behind too much.
“Sorry that I was taking so long.” I say with no emotion whatsoever while looking in his direction and scratching my naek. I start walking to catch up to him so that we can continue what we were doing in the first place. “It's ok, I don't mind waiting for you.” Blase said while looking at my eye through my prosthetic. Despite my cold eye looking at him, he still smiled. Blase starts to walk out the door and I follow him close behind. Blase and I just walkin in slicene after going through the apartment doors into the autumn breeze. Blase and I were walking down the road to the park that led to the abandoned church cuz there is literally nothing to do in this god forsaken town.
Despite the light breeze when we got closer to the church it dropped to a much colder temperature. Seeing Blases breath come out in white puffs of air really was my last straw, it really flicked the switch. Blase was in front of me a little bit but nothing to serve. “Hey Blase, could you come here for a minute? I think I found something cool over here.” I said with anger in my voice but not enough for someone to notice right away.”Oh yeah just give me a sec ok Vamp i’ll be right there.” Blase said while turning around to look at me. He slowly walks towards me using his crutches so he doesn't completely fall down. At that moment when he's right in front of me I kick his crutches so he falls down and I climb on top of him hand covering his mouth so he can’t scream for help even if he wanted to.
“You know you should never take someone you just meat to a place this scluted it usually doesn’t end well for the other person.” I say while looking Blase in the eyes while I unclip my mask and un-tying my hair so he can see my face. “Do you think I look pretty Blase because I think I look beautiful.” I say while I smile like a mad man. Slowly turning Blases head to the side my lips brush against his neck. Opening my mouth so all my teeth show while looking at him as I bite down right where his juggler is puchering the skin. I can see life fade from his eyes as the blood drains into my mouth and down my throat . His blood all over his neck and parts of his face and all over my mouth, neck, and shirt. “Now Blase, don't you look so pretty and calm like this handsome.” I say as my mouth leaves his neck as blood starts to pool around him.
As I continue drinking his blood I realise what I am doing and stop and quickly leave his body to be found by some unfortunate soul.Taking my prosthetic and hair tie with me, slowly walking out of the church I realise what I have to do and go to the police station that we passed when we were going into the apartments. Walking to the police station felt like the longest walk in the world. People were staring at me, yelling at me, running away from me but as soon as I got to the doors to the station I walked in at the request of an officer. “I would like an officer to talk to. I killed someone and would like to talk to someone.” I said to the receptionist she bussed the button on the counter and an officer appeared in the doorway to my left and put me in handcuffs and took me away for questioning.
…….End of Flashback…….
“And this is how we are here right now is this correct Mr. Woods.” Mr. Keysworth said while awaiting my answer so that we could get on with this interrogation.”Yes that is correct Mr. Keysworth.” I say looking away from him and at the two sided mirror.”Ok then I think we are done here then.” Mr Keysworth said while standing up to leave the room. Looking around the room I see a mirror, a door, and a few windows. Turing my head to look at the mirror that was placed to the right of me and fix my mask.
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