ghost dog puppet dream

another dream lol. so i was on campus and there was this guy sitting on a slab of concrete puppetting this ghost dog puppet. it was large, covering him completely, i thought he just had like one hand in a hand and the other in the had but im starting to think maybe he was in the head, controlling blinking with one hand and other hand in a hand. idk. in was a big thing. large black eyes and white with long fur. its head could flip around really easily, it was next to a staircase and when i walked up, i thought it would stop looking at me but its head flipped backwards and it blinked up at me.

anyway somehow i got a hold of the puppet. i was wondering how he got around carrying the puppet around campus so that the illusion of life was kept alive. turns out the puppet is reversible to look like an orange plaid outfit. i reversed it, tried it on, and went to go but it back. but hwne i got there, he had a bigger crowd than he ever had.

so many people were gathered around to see him just laying in the position he would normally be in with the puppet, but it was just him. they saw me coming and part of the fur of the puppet was hanging out of the orange plaid outfit.

everyone thought this was part of the performance. he didnt have his puppet anymore, so we were supposed to use this similar material to cover him like the puppet once did. people started ripping out pieces of fur to cover him. in the process of remembering the ghost dog, we were also destroying it.

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