Timbre: i feel like shit
Cadence: That is most certainly a characteristic way to begin your first blog post in months.
Timbre: shut the fuck up you know i had good reason for my attention to be elsewhere c
Cadence: Uh... Yeah. Like... focusing on your grades?
Timbre: god damn dude low blow
Ambie: hi everyone we're on academic probation now!
Timbre: imagine me audibly sighing since you cant really spell that
Cadence: As Ambie said, we have spectacularly failed our classes despite taking all efforts towards them. We've mostly been busy with said classes.
Timbre: are we just ignoring my moping now
Cadence: Timbre, you know I love you, but absolutely nobody on this planet, including the future versions of us who are likely the only ones who will ever lay eyes on this after we publish it, is remotely interested in reading an entire blog entry of you whining about how terrible you feel you are.
Timbre: point taken into consideration
Cadence: Do either of you perhaps have anything less... harrowing to talk about?
Ambie: ooooh ooh i do! when we were taking one of our exams timbre accidentally forgot his pencil so he had to ask some classmates and some girl in front of him gave him one and said he could keep it and he asked if she was sure and she said "yeah it's girl-code!" and then her friend said "they look like maybe a guy..." and that was really funny hehehe (they thought i was pretty!! úwù)
Cadence: That was indeed quite fun.
Timbre: im hungry
Ambie: also i got a bunch of kitty treats from my grandma and i gave them to some stray kitties on campus in the afternoon for a few weeks and now they love me and let me pet them!! owo
Timbre: i should go get some lunch
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