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Category: SpaceHey

The 18+ Club: Appeals Process

Step One: Breathe, then Breathe Again

The very first thing any of us should ever do when we find ourselves in unintentional conflict is to take a moment to breathe. Mistakes and misunderstandings happen - they're an unavoidable part of human nature. Dealing with situations calmly and professionally usually lead to much more desirable outcomes, so take a moment to breathe.

Step Two: Clarify the Situation from your Perspective

What specifically is the problem? Do you feel misunderstood? Do you feel disrespected? Do you feel that the punishment is not appropriate to the situation? Whatever the issue may be, communicating the problem clearly helps the moderator understand where you're coming from and makes it much more likely that they will be sympathetic to your plight. Please understand, though, that this does not necessarily mean that they will change their ruling on the situation.

Step Three: Wait Patiently for a Moderator Response

We appreciate that you want a fast resolution, and we want that too! Remember though, the moderators of our group have lives beyond SpaceHey and sometimes it may take a little while to resolve an issue. Please be patient; we will get back with you as quickly as we can.

Step Four: Abide by the Ruling of the Second Moderator

Good news: a second moderator has responded! This can be good news or bad, depending on both their ruling and your attitude toward the situation. The second moderator may have reviewed the situation and found that it was all just a misunderstanding, and therefore after conferring with the original moderator, your punishment has been retracted and you are restored to good standing. Hooray!

Or, the second moderator may have agreed with the first, and now you must make a decision: either accept the ruling of the group's leadership with dignity and grace, or otherwise leave the group. Here there is no middle ground, no third option - if you decide to behave childishly after having been granted an appeal (which we do not have to do at all), you will be promptly banned.

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