wtf can i do if i sneak out?

I alway sneak out while my momma is out working but all i do is drive around and get high... what can i do in 12 pm besides being stoned :/

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cinnamon's profile picture


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shiiiiiiii you on to something tht i might just try thanks

by Dastin Drella; ; Report

try paste-up, it's super easy to do and you don't need to buy spray paint :)
(u don't have to use weat Paiste, just fill a normal bottle with half liquid glue and half water.)

by RURU_; ; Report


TheJollyOne's profile picture

You can do literally anything. Well, not anything, but you can do a lot. Hang out with friends, see a movie, go hiking (if you live near the woods or something), lay in the grass and gaze at the stars. I can't think of much right now, but you could also just look up "Things to do at night." Good luck on your endeavors.


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i didnt know the movies open that fuckin late 8o thank uuuu

by Dastin Drella; ; Report