Hello! New Blog!
I've been quite busy this school break, but I wished I was busy studying! I was occupied with commissions for my art, so I'm going to share a few! Don't expect anything grand, I don't take any art classes and I'm still a developing kid :)
Remind me not to open commissions again, I'm exhausted.
I had 5 artworks done in the span of 3 days. I still have 2 orders but I'm already burnt out! Plus, I haven't prepared for my second term of school! Please lend me some strength.
P.S. Sorry i had to use a big watermark, no one knows what kind of people are out here.
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YOUR ART IS SUPER DUPER PRETTY aawwwaaaa i cant add you for soem reason thoz AAGSUASHEFWGYIHUA8YG
WAAAAAAA THANK YOU SM XXdddddd I'll try adding uu!!
by Lian!; ; Report