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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Paranormal Story From My Past Vol. 2

What's up fellow creatures!

I promise of making this a monthly installment completely fell thru BUT today is Xmas, so i saved a real gift for yall!

This also takes place back in my time working at the Walmart in colonial Tarboro, North Carolina. (Asif that place isn't already enough of a horror, from my previous post.)

At this point of being a cart pusher, i was familiar with other jobs around the store & would occasionally fill in for other departments, so i really knew this place like the back of my hand.


One of our guys who worked the produce section was on a family vacation & would never return home alive, due to natural causes. He was in his mid-50's i believe. I had known him before i ever worked there because i was friends with his nephew, so i knew he was a kind man. This wasn't the first time an employee of ours passed tragically but it really hit home for alot of us, self-included.  

I'm not sure how much time passed between that & the incident that follows so bare with me. 

One night while i was collecting the carts & bringing them to the front when i noticed a coworker (who shared the same dept as the guy who passed) was outside on a smoke break, trembling. As i got closer i realized he was super shook up...he said something to the effect of "we have something to show you" before he quietly led me to the back stock area where the big walk in & freezers were. At this point in my time working there, i was known as the "paranormal guy" of the area. Don't remember what he said verbatim, but he asked if i was still in the paranormal field & the store is at a loss of words about what they discovered in one of these walk-in coolers. Ofcoarse i told them i can handle anything put infront of me, but boy..... was i wrong.

When he opened that door, my jaw hit the fucking floor.

In this tall ass cold room, you could clearly see bare hand & feet prints, all along the walls AND the goddamn ceiling. Asif as massive fly crawled all over the inside, but this was *seemingly* of human origin! You could even see the finger drag lines from where it was moving swiftly on all fours. The path this...*thing* was taking was all over the place, like it was stuck & trying to find it's way out. The trail ended at the top of the opposite door to the cooler. Asif it was finally let out that shift change.

I know what your thinking..."that's bizarre but that sounds like something someone on third shift might do to fuck with us dayshift folks."

Here's where that starts to fall apart...

The guy who shown me this, was the first person to notice it & before he ever came to me...he went to management. Nobody was seen on camera going to that fucking cooler to even do that! The racks you'd even have to scale to fake something like this would be extremely difficult, let alone, WHY would you take your shoes and socks lay on your back to make them?!? What sick fuck would do this when his death was still too soon to even talk about like that?? Not to mention you'd have to get a tall ladder (we didnt even have in the stockroom,) to continue the trail of prints in between those tall racks...literally & physically impossible!

I had no idea what to say to him or my managers...a total loss of words. Ever since that, nothing else of significance happened in that department to my knowledge. THAT was the most intense paranormal instance i have ever been called upon in that store & for YEARS i was scared to say anything about it publicly, more so out of respect to his family. It still feels weird as im typing this all out, but this was a real fucking thing that happened in my time there.

But wait, there's more!

Weeks pass & things remain calm. My girlfriend at the time was living 3 odd hours away in the Charlotte suburbs...working at, Harris teeter, when a similar thing happened at that stores cold room! They had no clue i had this happen to me, but they knew i was a ghost hunter so they brought her into one of the coolers to observe similar prints & maybe her boyfriend could help them figure out what was happening...again, i had no idea. Nothing prompted this, too. So more time passes and i was venting to one of our new coworkers who had previously worked at the, Food Lion, across town & he said they even had video surveillance proof of something weird happening in that walk in, too! However, he wasn't able to share the clip ofcoarse but he seen the footage himself so all i can do is just take his word. I don't even fully remember what happened, but it was enough for him to say to hell with that place. Idk what it is about retail that's a trading ground for trapping ghosts/entities, but it seems more common that i first realized. Something to consider next time you go out for things!

At the time, i took pics of the walk-in cooler prints but over the years & going thru several phones, the pics have been lost to time. All i have now is purely anecdotal evidence. So i'll end this story by saying, if you've ever had something creepy happen while working retail & CAN speak upon share!! I'm only talking about it now because it's been enough years to where my non-disclosure agreement with the company has expired. 

Stay spooky, my creatures!!! 

7 Kudos


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Lordking Byron

Lordking Byron's profile picture


Also, there are a few YouTube channels I could recommend you...

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def drop em! I'm always running outta stuff to watch up here lol

by Stoney Sills; ; Report

Slapped Ham, Chilling Scares, Whispered Diaries, LoeyLane, and TwistedGlam!

by Lordking Byron; ; Report


SLIM GRIMS's profile picture

Spooky. Maybe that's just how shitty walmart is to work at; your spirit lingers... JK JK Really cool story, especially similar things happening at other stores.

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i wouldn't be all that shocked if i already have a ghost of myself wandering there lmao. Thanks! I've not been back there in awhile so im curious to see who's still around & if anything weirds happened since then!

by Stoney Sills; ; Report

Maybe, it would be weird if anything else has happened. Hope you had a good holiday/Yule!

by SLIM GRIMS; ; Report

It's been eventful, same to ya homie!!

by Stoney Sills; ; Report