20th century girl- I'm in despair

20th-century girl is the movie I most regret watching in my entire life. My heart has been ripped into 2, and my life seems meaningless. My hope was brought up just to have been crushed. I don't know how anyone deals with grief, it seems impossible to get over the death of someone you loved so much. I haven't lost anyone in my life since I was young. Although the feeling is somewhat foreign to me, I understand how it feels to lose someone you love, and whoooohhh this made me cry crocodile tears. Woon-Ho had his life taken away from him so early. I originally thought he abandoned her and found someone else, and when she said "I'd be happier if you were dead" when she called him, it broke me. she isn't happier, his life was taken early, and she spent years cursing him for abandoning her. AND OMG THAT SUNRISE SCENE ABSOLUTELY DEMOLISHED ME, I WAS SOBBING, SO BAD. I can't even articulate my feelings regarding this movie. I genuinely expected a happy ending, and danggg he died right before they would meet again. he died right before they would reunite after years, and spend their college years together. Woon-Ho has stolen my heart and earned my tears. you were beautiful, kind, careful, and oh-so-wonderful. Imagine finding your soul mate, to have them ripped away from you at such a young age. I'm at the age where I'm currently debating colleges and this movie just, It just made me feel feelings that felt. Na Bo-ra, I know you are not real but I hope you and everyone dealing with loss in their lives heal their hearts and move on to where they can function in a healthy way. I Hope she finds love, no matter what kind, and I hope woon-ho is somewhere nice in his fictional world, sipping drinks and waiting to reunite with his soulmate.

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