please be mindful of how loud you play your music with earphones on! i started really listening to music loudly when i was twelve, and my hearing is so bad now. i listen to my music on full blast and it’s still not loud enough. i can barely hear other people and always have to ask them to repeat what they said multiple times. i’m in the car right now and i can barely listen to the song that’s playing on a low volume. i have to press my earphones against my ear so i can actually hear a song that’s playing on full blast.
i permanently damaged my ears because of a stupid ongoing mistakes, and it will forever be one of my biggest regrets :( of course, i’m not going to let that stop me from listening to my music on full blast, but still. be very, very careful :(
i hope you all have a lovely evening and the most happy holidays! <3
a little warning about listening to music on full volume
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If I could tell my younger self anything, it'd be this 💯. It happens so gradually, but that's a big part of why I'm hard of hearing now. I feel like hearing aids are in my future =/
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Also adding onto this, ALWAYS wear earplugs at concerts, even if you think it's not that loud!
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