Ronnie's profile picture

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Category: Blogging


Hey! Saw a couple of people do this, and figured I’d toss my hat in the ring as a sort of icebreaker.

Name: IRL, my preferred name is Tristan! But most of the time, when I’m online, I go by either Ronnie or Veronica, depending on what the account’s for.

Nickname: No IRL nicknames, but Ronnie is a nickname for Veronica, and I also use Vernie pretty rarely. And any place where I can freely mess with my nickname, I tend to change it depending on my fixation at the moment. Right now the one I use the most is Narrator™ because Stanley Parable fixation go brrrrrrr.

Zodiac: Capricorn. Unsure about anything beyond that.

Current location: Cozy in m’ bed :) was gonna say warm but it’s absolutely FREEZING in my room rn

Eye color: Hazel! Blue and green, specifically.

Hair color: Dark brown.

Hair type: Wavy, and usually kept in a ponytail.

What's your middle name?: Gwynn.

Your fear: Uhhhhh a lot, really. Socializing, rejection, abandonment, probably more I can’t think of right now.

First thing you thought when you woke up: Thinking about scenarios for my silly little stories (that are several chapters long but don’t worry about that)

Pepsi or Coke?: Coke, but specifically diet. I can’t have normal.

… well I can I guess, but I will not be okay.

McDonald's or Burger King?: McDonalds. Chiken nuggy :)

What is the last song you sang?: “Undefeatable” from Sonic Frontiers. Real banger of a song, probably my favorite of the vocal themes in the game.

Pet peeve: I got quite a few, but I think my biggest one is people taking up as much space in a hallway/aisle and going as SLOW AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE. Like, broski, if you’re gonna go that slow, just. MOVE TO THE SIDE.

Do you sing?: VERY rarely, and only when I’m alone.

Do you want to go to college?: Yeye! I want a degree in culinary arts.

Have you ever been in love?: Nope, pretty certain I’m aro/ace.

Do you want to get married?: Maybe for tax reasons.

Do you believe in yourself?: Depends on what I’m doing.

Do you believe in others?: Depends, but typically yeah.

Do you like thunderstorms?: Again, it depends. If it’s a little more quiet, then yeah. If it’s loud, absolutely not.

Do you play an instrument?: I haven’t played it in a while, but I did take piano lessons a few years ago!

What country would you like to visit?: Maybe France or Norway?

How many CD's do you own?: Like four I think. I also have a vinyl record, but no player. 

How many piercings do you have?: None; I used to have my ears pierced, but I was tired of having to take them out and take care of them, so I stopped wearing them.

How many things in the past do you regret?: Man I could go on for HOURS over shit I regret. I’ll just leave it at my entire middle school experience, so as to not trauma dump.


Shoes: Not like a specific brand or anything, but I got this pair of memory foam slip-ons that are so comfy. They’re a little big, but still. Comfy. :) 

Radio station: I don’t listen to radio stations, but I’ll take literally anything other than country.

Drink: Mmm, Diet Mountain Dew? 

Car: Don’t care about cars. Does it go? Then I like that car.

Place: Mmm, that’s a toughie. There’s a bike trail I used to visit a lot when I was younger to unwind, so I’ll go with that. Never actually rode a bike on it, though. Was too scared, plus I don’t own a mountain bike so it probably would’ve ended badly had I tried.

Song: Asking me to pick a favorite song is like asking a parent to pick a favorite child, dude, I can’t. I know too many good ones.

Here’s a list of some of my favorites though:

- “Intruder” and “Hypnosis” by LongestSoloEver

- “Undefeatable”, “Break Through It All”, “Find Your Flame”, “I’m Here”, and “One Way Dream” from Sonic Frontiers

- “Gift” from Funkdela Catalogue (yeah yeah I know an FNF song how cringe but listen this one slaps alright so it gets a mention)

- “Close to Me” by Sabrepulse

- Shirobon’s “Spider Dance” Remix, plus “Pursuit” and “Fox”

- “Try This” by Pegboard Nerds

- “Collision Event” by Danimal Cannon

- “Into the Black”, “Scarlet Vow”, “Eclipse”, and “Constellations (2016)” by Aviators

- “Carnivores” and “Dimensions” by Creo

- “Peace and Tranquility”, “Killing Two Birds”, “Mustache Girl EX”, and “Your Contract Has Expired” from A Hat in Time

- “On Little Cat Feet” and “Eleventh Hour” from OneShot (which, fun fact: On Little Cat Feet is what’s playing on my profile when I post this!)

Honestly I could go on but I think that’s enough for now, haha.


Moment: Makes me a bit sheepish to talk about it, but I remember in elementary school, I used to roleplay with a small group of friends as Warriors characters we made. I remember having a lot of fun back then, even if some of the things I did were a bit embarrassing. 

Color: It depends on a lot of things, but I’ve been finding myself leaning a lot towards yellow recently. 

Meal: A good, homemade bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. A classic.

Do you think you are attractive?: Not really, no, but I don’t really mind all that much.

Are you attracted to someone who does not know it?: Nope, aro/ace.

Who are you thinking of?: My silly little characters that I have inflicted with severe trauma :) 

What are you listening to?: Been listening to a lot of different things recently. Last thing I remember listening to was the Just Shapes and Beats soundtrack because I was reworking some designs from my AU.

Do you love someone?: Well it depends on the definition of love. Romantically? No, never have and probably never will. Platonically and/or familially? Yeah, absolutely.

Does someone love you?: In any way other than romantically, yeah, I’d like to think so.

Is it raining?: Not right now, no. Pretty sure it’s snowing, though.

How many spacehey friends do you have?: Three, excluding the two default ones.

Are you happy?: I mean, for the most part, yeah.

Favorite music artist: Another one that’s like asking to pick a favorite child. Aviators and Creo are both the most consistently amazing artists I know. Danimal Cannon, Chipzel, and Camellia have made some bangers that I ADORE, plus all the people that worked on all the soundtracks for games I love. I can’t pick a favorite.

Aesthetic: Not sure if it counts as an aesthetic, but anything with pink and blue as its main color combination are always really high up on my list of favorite things. 

1 Kudos


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