so i would like for someone to help me with something. i would love love LOVE some flared jeans but i don't know any brands that can ship them out :(( i did find a few but i can't pay for them with a card, i can only use courier! im located in a small town in greece where im rlly far away from any major cities. please find me some good sites, if possible please try to find those flared jeans in men's sizes otherwise women's will be fine too. thank you so much kind strangers, i wish you all the best Christmas!
i need fashion help! (in greece)
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Zoe ! ⚞•⚟☆
dont you guys have zara? im assuming they might have some, I don't know where in greece you are but when I went to xania to go see my yiaya and papou they had a zara there
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