You may be given a difficult choice at the beginning of the year.
"Would you like to join the late French immersion program?"
Yes, it is a big commitment but it is 100% worth it! Let me explain why.
1.) Learning a language. Yes, obviously you are learning a new language. But, that's not it; you are also learning the culture behind the language! Being bilingual opens up many opportunities for jobs and looks great on resumes!
2.) You are looked at as "more responsible." It shows that you are dedicated to learning, instead of just showing up to school because you have to.
3.) You (typically) have a smaller class! A smaller class means more attention on you, and it is quieter!
4.) You can make lots of new friends! Learning french isn't just writing it, it is speaking it as well! Because it is so verbal, you have to talk to many people, and maybe you guys will start talking more!
5.) Your class will feel like more than a class. (From experience) I am excited to get up in the morning to go to school. I have been the happiest I have ever been in this class! I feel that these people are like me, and understand me in ways other people don't.
Hear me out! This may not convince you, but there are so many more reasons you should join french immersion.
Thank you for reading <3
- Mia :)
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Edgar Allan Hoe
Does French immersion mean like abroad studies or is it just that only the taught language is spoken in the classroom?
Hi! French immersion is only speaking in one language (French) in the classroom. Thanks for commenting!
by mia <3; ; Report