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Category: Friends

my current bestfriend problem

i'm not really sure what to say right now but i want to talk about a particular someone... 

i need like a voice of reason, i had liked this guy for i want to say about a month??? but i was really into him and i thought that maybe we could be something yk obviously not. regardless i was updating my friend on like very detail very clearly seeing everything happen with rose colored glasses (i only saw things i wanted to convincing myself he liked me) she knew i was unfortunately obsessed with this person and unfortunately she knew this (i don't think to the extent though). regardless at her party (she invited him for me) whilst i was doing something not with her or whatever she had managed to hook up with him. she didn't even tell me for weeks yet i had heard stories from almost everyone from that party, some of my friends had even said that i shouldn't have known and shouldn't have been told. she had finally told me and i told her 'ok' 'i need time' like 'im upset' 'do what you want i don't even car anymore'. she didnt give me anytime and started bringing him to sit with us at lunch. 

today, the reason i have even brought this up, she had sent me photos of him and her making out. it hurt me i can not even lie.

im not trying to victimize myself and i know my side of the story is going to sound this but i honestly just need to say something because it has been about 2 months since this occurred and i am still hurt...

pls dont slander me lol

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Lil-Hentai-Boi's profile picture

They are toxic.
It sounds like you made it clear to them how you felt about this person but yet your "friend" decided it was a wonderful idea to hook up with this guy behind your back...
I get that it could have turned out your friend may happened to have feelings for him as well and it sure is a very unfortunate situation when two friends have a crush on the same person BUT it's then friends have to be honest with each other and be careful.
So what your friend should have done is telling you the truth about their feelings and then both of you have to accept that it's very possible he ends up with one of you and the other have to accept the outcome but of course take time and heal from rejection.
What your so called "friend" did was betraying you and then rub it in your face how happy they are together and that's horrible since you are already sad about not being together with the person you like but to have somebody treating you this way which is very hurtful.
Of course you do what's best for you in this situation but I would advice you to stop being friends with this person as they have already made it clear they don't give a shit about your feelings and is ready to hurt you to get what they want so it's better to be around supportive and kind friends instead who actually bring you happiness.
I wish you the best and hope you feel better soon!

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im definitely planning on distancing myself from her in the new year, she already doesn't hang out with me as much because of this boy but i am going to do my best to ignore it or at least be supportive of their relationship

thank you sm for the comment! (was very insightful <3)

by matilda; ; Report


GodOfCream's profile picture

sounds tough, having your friend hook up with your crush and then having to watch them in a relationship. the only advice I can give is if possible distance yourself and give it time. good luck out there

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also, they sent pictures? to you? that's not very friend-like

by GodOfCream; ; Report


robbinfromstatefarm's profile picture

Um wow your friend sounds like a asshole ngl. They knew you liked this person, invited them to a party, made out with them, and sent you pictures?? Nah you're definitely the victim. Who even sends their friends pictures of them making out with somone.

I wouldn't even call this a obsession. Even with a small crush it's messed up to send pictures like that when they knew you liked them.

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