I'm about to lose a long distance friend, aren't I.
It hurts. We were close. Now we hardly talk. I'm trying to fix it. He's trying too. I shouldn't have stopped messaging first. That was the start of this. We're sepereating. After everything we planned, everything we've fixed... This could be the end of something that had potential to be great. It was nice knowing him.
No. No. NO. It can't end here. We've become so close. We know about eachother more than we know ourselves, how can it just... end. I'm hoping he doesn't see this, but hey. He knows who he is.
I don't want to lose him. He was one of my closest friends. Was it all for nothing? The energy dummed down. That scared me. No more all caps HIIIII's. Just 'good morn'. Then nothing. Emptiness. Silence.
And yet that silence is so loud. So, so loud. Talk to me. Please.
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unfortunately, people grow apart, it's sad but that doesn't mean it was all for nothing.
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there's the thing. its only been like 2 months. I haven't even met him irl yet.
by Danno; ; Report