🦥Grey's profile picture

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Category: Religion and Philosophy

humans are parasites

This is what I keep saying.
Technically we are parasitic.
We are a parasites to this planet.

We are absolutely insignificant in the scheme of time and the universe and all that is within it... and we have no great meaning or purpose here (though religion and society try to tell us otherwise), so we should just enjoy the gift of life that this universe has bestowed upon us for whatever unknowable reason, probably just natural evolutionary processes, and stop destroying everything we touch.

There is a different way to live.
But too many of you all are not ready for that conversation.
You'll parrot and shout the fear mongering buzzwords that you hear on the news, "Socialist!!! Communist!!!" without even knowing the root of what those things mean for all living things, instead of actually fucking opening your eyes and ears to listen and see for once what's right in front of each and every one of us.

Change is too big, too scary... no, let's just stay comfy in our denial bubbles while we're heading straight into a dystopian hellscape future where everything suffers.

Humanity is truly doomed. Too stupid to save ourselves, also too selfish to stop killing all other creatures here along with us.

But hey, at least we'll go extinct someday. Then nature can do whatever nature does without interference. As you can tell,  I'm not a fan of man most of the time. Our species is highly overrated and disappointing to say the very least.

We seriously need to make an hour by hour,  minute by minute,  second by second conscious effort to stop being so entirely embracing of our parasitic nature to this planet and to one another. We can and should do better.

Tired of the constant judgement/questioning...
"Why are you always so depressed/negative?"

Because I've always seen what most of you all refuse to see or deal with. It's fucking beyond exhausting.  It's OK though, you all will see I was right... someday. Unfortunately.

But what I'd really like to know myself is... how are you all so damn happy and okay? Really? How? Without completely ignoring the plights of the world entirely... how tf are you happy or okay?

8 Kudos


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Shadow (Hogful but proud)

Shadow (Hogful but proud)'s profile picture

mickey on a railroad picking up stones

out came an engine and broke mickeys bones

ouch said mickey, thats not fair..

ha said the train conductor i dont care

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kickflipApoc's profile picture

Learn to spell LOL

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Maqsud101's profile picture

We are not a parasite, we are a virus. The virus does not want the infected body to die. But they accidentally kill. I even believe that if the human race realizes that it will destroy the world, it will slaughter its own race and try to stop the destruction.

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Do not say that a human is selfish and does not destroy himself. Suicide is a selfish thought.

by Maqsud101; ; Report

Wow, depression/suicide is a much more complicated issue...it's not a selfish thing at all. And my older sister commit suicide in her late 20's so I have experienced loss like that of someone close to me. Would not ever say she was selfish. She suffered constantly in life. So a warning to all, say some shit like this on my page/blog/etc, you will be blocked.

Don't make this mistake again please?

by 🦥Grey; ; Report

She traded a great pain for a shorter pain. This is what makes suicide selfish thinking. Someone commits suicide to get rid of the pain. I'm sorry about your sister. Her life has come to the point where suicide is a better alternative than living.

by Maqsud101; ; Report

Psychological selfishness is all that human beings do. They say that even heroism is selfish. For example, why do we act as heroes, in order not to lose our loved ones or not to suffer from remorse.

by Maqsud101; ; Report

From this perspective, it's selfish for a mother to even love her child. She does not want to suffer the pain of her child. We help someone, it makes us happy if he is happy, which is selfish.

by Maqsud101; ; Report

Selfishness isn't always bad. Sometimes we have to accept our nature.

by Maqsud101; ; Report


LEROY's profile picture

💯 ‼️ I mean... I couldn't agree more. It definitely opened my eyes to some things.

Sometimes I'm kind of a fan of natural disasters just because I feel like it's nature knocking humans down a peg. We pollute and deplete the planet of all these resources for money, power, and selfish reasons and it gets wiped out easily time and time again 🌪

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Yup absolutely understand where you're coming from.

by 🦥Grey; ; Report