Thought id try out spacehey on this thing just for funsies and... holy crap it actually works!!! (for the most part, messages dont work sadly for some reason) how cool is that???
The phone has a touch screen nd a teeny tiny physical keyboard nd typing on it is both satisfying and incredibly frustrating at the same time... I missed the feeling of typing on an actual keyboard and the clicking sound when u press a key but i also forgot how annoying it is to type on these old phones.. like no joke it took me over 10 mins 2 type this whole thing...
(copied from my bulletin
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Congrats on your new blackberry try out getting a bold or the classic they have the best keyboard's in my opinion and do some googing about the text messaging it should work unless its BBM (BlackBerry Messager) hope this helps! <3
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i have a q10 atm but it came out in 2013 and it has a touchscreen so its not as vintage as i would like, plus u cant even customize it like u could w the older blackberrys :( so im defo planning on getting an older-gen blackberry one day! i really want the one with the trackball, it just looks so cute but it probs cant even connect to the internet anymore so its pretty much useless, what a bummer :T
also i love ur pfp! its very fitting since kim k was also a blackberry fanatic back in the day hahaha
by rikki ✮⋆˙; ; Report
The older BlackBerry will work if they are T-Mobile ones or unlocked T-Mobile will continue to support 2G till Apr of this year.
PS: Ty I was inspired to get one because of her I got the last one she had (the BB Bold 9900)
by <3; ; Report
That's sweet as hell you're living my dream life
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huh didn't know you could still buy old black berry phones let alone use them, cool
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yes i love this. i post from my blackberry too, and it does take a bit getting used to the typing!!
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