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Berserker (Fate/Zero) Banpresto DXF Figure

Minor Fate/Zero spoilers ahead if you care about servant true names.

If not, continue reading I guess.

Alright! So I figure (heh) I might as well use my SpaceHey page for something a bit more than randomly interacting with people, so I figured I might as well show off my figure collection one at a time! What better place to start than the first character who really resonated with 12 year old me?

Don't mind the background btw, I'll figure out something more permanent and less distracting for the next blog. Or heck, maybe I'll stick with it if you guys wanna see the boxes for... some reason. This is more of an experiment to figure out how I wanna format this.


Here he is! The mongrel himself: Berserker! (I'll be calling him Lancelot from here on b/c when I hear Berserker I think of Heracles instead).

This is one of the least dynamic figures in my collection, and I mean that in the best way possible. This DXF figure (made by Banpresto) is rather light, all things considered. He is made of PVC though, so that might explain it. Either way, he stands at a solid 6.24 inches (160 mm) tall, making him the 4th shortest figure in my collection.
Here he is next to a standard CD jewel case (4.92" [125mm] tall) for scale.
For scale

Speaking of scale, as far as I can tell this figure is not a scaled figure. I heard that Sentinel was doing a scale figure but I looked into it and there doesn't seem to be a mention of scale anywhere, so I'm going to assume that one isn't scaled either.

Anyways with that tangent aside, the detail on this guy lies in the model itself. I did my best to capture each side so you guys can get a good look at the figure in its entirety, but for being a character that's almost entirely one color they did a decent job.

There is some nice detail work on the knees, pauldrons, the ankles and Arondight that I didn't notice before doing another photo shoot in moodier lighting. There's a nice gold color that accentuates those features subtly. It doesn't seem to be very sloppy either, which is something I try to look out for since a sloppy paint job can mean it's a bootleg.

Front side:

Left side:

Right side:

Back side with hair:
Back w/ hair

Back side w/o hair:
Back w/o hair

And of course, here's Arondight up close:

Assembly is super easy, taking only 3 steps to fully assemble. As you've already seen, the sword and hair can be removed. The only thing you need to do after putting those on Lance is to put Lancelot himself in the stand. After that boom, all done. He came pre-painted like many figures do, but that's no surprise really. You had to win this figure as a prize from a crane machine I believe. I own quite a few figures that were originally only available as prizes, it makes you wonder if there are people who go to arcades in Japan just to acquire and sell these figures.

Would I recommend this figure?

Hm... well I suppose this is where I introduce the arbitrary ratings category huh? Alright let's get started

Sculpture Detail: It's very well crafted; I enjoy all the detail they put in his armor.

Paint Job: It has some nice detail work here and there but it's ultimately one color. Additionally, there are some bumpy spots that I feel add texture to it, but it could put some people off.

Dynamics: Absolutely a display only figure. You'll put it on a shelf and only take it out to dust it. Boring pose, too.

Articulation: None

Is it lancelot? Yes/10

If you can find this figure for cheap and you're a fan of Lancelot (be it through FGO or Fate/Zero) then sure. This makes for a nice little piece for the sculpture quality alone. This Lancelot has been stuck with a boring pose but it shows off his armor rather well. If you aren't a fan of Lancelot though and want something really cool, I'd skip this one.

Anyways that's it for my first figure blog. If you have any questions on how to start collecting figures (including what to avoid) or just want to know more about the figure itself leave a comment! Thank you for reading (´ ∀ ` *)

Edited on 1/23/2023 - Added more details about the paint job


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