🦥Grey's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

knowing Grey 👽

name: Samantha
nickname: Grey
birthday: April 8
how old are you: 38
originally from: Detroit, MI
current location: FL (since 2006)
hieght: 5'7"
eye color: hazel
hair color: blue & purple
hair style: long with an undercut
sexuality: biromantic graysexual
gender: greygender, staticgender, gendervoid
heritage: Native American, French, Irish, Swedish, Norwegian, English (possibly others I'm unaware of)

Nonbinary single parent to an only child (also nonbinary), likes to be called Bug, they're 10.

I'm always going through shit.  Always say I'm truly cursed.

I do online adult content creation, though it's really inconsistent af at this time, click here (18+ only).

I write poetry sporadically and would love to turn my poetry into songs someday. I love to sing and I'm okay at it, most of the time, could use some lessons. I used to be very good at drawing and painting etc, but I'm out of touch with my creative side for the most part unfortunately. I am dying to get into creating digital art. I also love photography and modeling and would very much like to get back into doing alt modeling.

However, most of these things are things I do not have the time or money to invest in. Not with how my life is currently. Also all the years of abuse and trauma I've endured, simply trying to survive this capitalist society every day, all while being a single mom with no support system of any kind is draining literally everything out of me.

At this point I am 100% "fuctioning" in total burnout mode. Help! 😅

Will continue adding to this over time as I think of more possibly relevant things for y'all to know about me. 🙃

Wanna help me stay sane in this
nightmare capitalist hellscape?
ↆ Buy me a coffee ↆ

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