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Category: School, College, University

Tricky Mrs Pixie

I just want to clarify, all of these people are real, but these rumours, are just rumours. This is just what I've heard.

I find the Level 2 tutor Mrs Pixie (fake name obvs) very, odd. I had her for my first year, and she was the basic b!tch secondary school teacher, despite working at a college, and also despite working at another school for Autistic kids (like me), she really knew so little about them. Two years after I left her classes, she expelled a student for having an autistic meltdown, under the guis that she told the student, she was faking... Ew.  The reason why I started to dislike her wasn't that though, 

  1. Nothing she did to me in the classes I took with her were anywhere near as awful as what my primary school did to me and my brother.
  2. I believe, personally, that she's a completely different person at home than at college.
  3. And finally, there are two sides to every story, and I'm sure there was more to the expulsion thing

But when I entered this year, my final year, I noticed some strange things when she worked with us temporarily because of her Level 2's joining our Christmas show as ensemble. She had favourites, definitely, me being the only AFAB favourite for the last 4 years, the rest were AMAB. And she treats them a hell of a lot differently to me. With me she treats me like a surrogate daughter, or even a sister, she's comfortable with talking bad about other students to my face, and about my work and offering advice, which to be fair, I kinda needed. But it felt odd, at first it was cool, having an older friend to confide in, but now it feels too much, too familiar.

Then, with the rest, the AMAB people, she's touchy feely... Very giggly and always very pretty looking, idk how she does it but she looks better talking to the young "men" than with me or the rest of the cast. Mrs Pixie once play fought with my friend Vik, trying to get him to dance with her, very "awe, why won't you dance with me Viky? C'mon dance with..." and she would refer to herself with her first name. And out of all the Level 3's, she seems to prefer Vik, and my Boyfriend. Like she's always the sweetest and most kind teacher to him too, but he see's right through her, and he's sick of the attention, ik he's had issues with older women before so this was something he hated. I feel like it got worse once we got together, but I could be paranoid.

Finally, there's a dark rumour going around about Tricky Mrs Pixie, there's this one weird student called Oscar, he's got either dirty blond hair, or just really greasy light blond hair, large frames that fit his head weirdly, too big-ly... And he's very scrawny and petit, like, a rat almost, twitchy little nose and ears that poke out too much and it feels like they touch his jawline. He has a thing for this pretty transgender boy called Kyle, who is very early into his transition, so he still looks very dainty and femme, which I will say he pulls off, he could be an undercover pig because I had no clue for the longest time. But the thing is, Kyle has a boyfriend. And Oscar HATED this, and his crush turned quickly to an obsession.

Apparently, Oscar is very very VERY rich, bl00dy minted. Able to afford 2 impractical sports cars at the tender age of 16, which got on my nerves, since I could hardly afford my own rickety old Yaris from 2009, that could barely drive and has a cracked windscreen and a faulty battery. He didn't even drive... Anyway, Oscar began to harass Kyle on a regular basis, every. Single. Day. Kyle would go home in tears about him, and his boyfriend almost got kicked out for kicking off at Oscar. Oscar also refused to refer to Kyle as Kyle, or to use He/Him pronouns for him, which was disgusting. Finally when Mrs Pixie was informed of this, she was very much like "right me and Oscar will have a very serious discussion about this, WITH HIS PARENTS, because this type of sexual harassment will not be tolerated at this school!" She was infuriated, as she should be. One of her students had reported it several times and had records of the incidents, and witnesses all the more willing to expose Oscar for the freaky little creep he was.

But once Oscar and his family left the room, with sickly sweet matching grins spreading across their frustratingly perfect and clear white skin, everyone noticed something was wrong, very wrong. Why were they happy? They should be furious with their son! And then Pixie came out, and pulled Kyle aside, and from what I heard, what she said to him, broke his heart.

"Is there anything you can do to just move past this, it's a little bit much isn't it? Like I'm sure you're just blowing things out of proportion"


Of course, the rumour that Pixie was paid off spread like wildfire, if the wildfire was in a rainstorm of gasoline. Somehow she hasn't heard of it yet, but believe me, Oscar's behaviour and her constant coddling of him hasn't helped douse it, it only fuels it, I'm just standing back and waiting for the whole college to burn to the ground. <3

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