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Category: Blogging

My mother might have postponed my show

My mother is a funny kind of woman, she'll love you, cherish you, but the moment you introduce something unfamiliar to her, ie: non white stuff, lgbtqia+ stuff, she'll fly off the handle. I remember when I came out to her she accused me of faking to fit in, and demanded to know if I thought if I was a boy. I made a tiktok about the situation and it got over 900k views and when she found out she didn't care, she's a bit strange like that. She only really cares about the stuff that effects her personally, like if I've posted a blog or video, she doesn't care, she's just glad I'm not telling her all the details. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

Yeah, so she's a little tough to get used to, my boyfriend thinks she's a little problematic, my ex fiancee hated her guts, and my friends adore her, though she doesn't like them much, except bestie, she's ok with them, to the point where we plotted to "get rid" of besties ex, because they're a cheating b@stard. So when I couldn't get to my show dates because of the snow, mums work, and the train strikes, my tutor started to get on my case about it, he was very well aware he may of made me feel like the stress the show was under was my fault, but god it wasn't! I didn't make it snow, I didn't f*ck over the train workers so much they went on strike, and I didn't make my mothers car break down so she could only use mine.

I told mum everything, obviously, and she blew up and called the college in a rage, telling them to get their sh!t together and face the facts, the day of the show, the trains weren't gonna change, her work wasn't going to change, and even worse? The buses were next, bus strikes were going to happen anyway, so what's the point? Postpone the show for Christs sake! About ten minutes later I got a call informing me of the shows delay. My tutor made it clear that it wasn't my fault, or anyone else's who could make it that day, it was just because of the snow and train strikes... Because I'd believe that, and I'm sure the rest of the class would believe that too, especially some of the nobodies, who seem to love thinking they have more of an impact on my life by saying "It was Mayday's fault, yeah... They couldn't make it so the show got cancelled, what a lazy cow". No they won't, all they get is a brief mention on my blog and to my therapist. 


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