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Category: Romance and Relationships

Sexting (NSFW18+)

Me and my BF sext a LOT. We realised a little while into the relationship that we were rather, into risk taking. He didn't really think about sex that often, and then he got with me and he claims it's all he can think about now. It feels like one of the safest activities we could engage in together. I, due to personal reasons, have never felt safe during intercourse with other people, with him it feels right, and I don't feel judged. Overall I feel wanted.

Anyway, back to the sexting thing. We usually don't sext unless we're around others, which in all fairness, eh...What they don't know can't hurt them, they're not consenting to seeing it, so they won't look. But I think they know, they aren't stupid, but c'mon, let us live a little. It's like a primal comes out of both of us when we're trying to hide what we're doing. I think it brings back memories of when we first got together, we were in a secret relationship in the beginning. We kept it to ourselves to avoid drama with friends, as he had just gotten out of a 2 year long relationship and I had a string of boyfriends and girlfriends over the last few years that I've been with for fun. 

So yeah, people weren't too happy when me and him got together, thinking I was just going to lead him on like everyone else. But our love is fiery, and passionate, god if he ever saw this he'd make fun of me. Back on topic, sexting with him is so so funny to me, seeing him blush from across the room, me trying desperately to get some relief by crossing my legs, and when we both finally reach our breaking point he pins me against a nearby wall in the alley, I wrap one leg around hip and drag him impossibly closer, and his tongue caresses mine like a comforting hand rub, but inside my mouth, making me gush and swoon as my head fills with helium. 

He makes life worth living, I must say. 

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GRIFFEN's profile picture

sexting?? that involves SEX doesnt it! gross!

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Your parents had sex to make you bro. Sex is not gross.

by melody_of_flowers; ; Report


by GRIFFEN; ; Report

Sex is basically crossing genes, nothing wrong with genetics.

by melody_of_flowers; ; Report