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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

youtube video essayists i really like and thing everyone should like >:3

im bored so im going to make a smalll list of people i think make really cool video essays on youtube :3

(note: a lot of these are going to be very similar in the topics they cover soooo im sorry if u dont like anime or anime related thingyss dkljsfd)

(and note 2: immmm very bad at writing things sooo im sorry for the descriptions to some of these)

1. hazel (link to her channel :3)

i think the best person doing these is hazel !! she makes great videos that focus mainly on anime but not in the usual way people talk about anime on youtube. her videos mainly focus on the more obscure and weird anime junk !! but she also has videos on games and even 2000s websites ! (that one's one of my favs by her)

i'd recommend her video on tenchi muyo as a good video to watch to see if you like her stuff, but my fav is her elfen lied video !! its so good, especially if you love 2000s anime fandom stuff

she also make reallyyyy good music under the name "twinkle park" !! so if u like noisy pop/emo/vocaloid musiccc, i think u should give her a listen :3

2. Amelie Doree (link to her channel :3)

this channel is very similar to hazel's in style, but mainly talks about visual novels (which is something i know nothing about slkdfj). she doesn't have that many videos out as she started posting last year, but they're already really good and entertaining ! learning about games that i'd probably never get the chance to play because of the language barrier is just so cool !

this video is one of my favs by her :3

3. ThorHighHeels (link to her channel :3)

thor's videos are very interesting, she's probably the one with the most videos and the one that talks about the most varied topics, but most of them still focus on video games. i think her videos are the most interesting in terms of editing ! they're so well made and interesting, its like the perfect encapsulation of like 2000s geocities websites into a video style (atleast thats what i get from them sdfjkl).

my favorites from her are her videos on "bad" video game music and weird gba games !!

thats all ! djkfldk maybe ill add on to this later butttt ill just have these for rn :3

i hope u check them out because i think they deserve more people watching their stuff :D

(updated to correct thor's pronouns :3)

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rocks 's profile picture

Omg Hazel is my fav !! I have her elfen lied video downloaded on my computer wwwwwww

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i have a few of her videos downloaded too !!!! mainly some of the ones she took off her channel, so i saved them so i can watch them if i want sdfkljdkl :3

by vomitgirl; ; Report


xXx~'porg-wife'~xXx's profile picture

hazel and thor are some of my favs too, they just talk about stuff in such a cool way and hazel's voice is so comforting

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cryptor 's profile picture

finally some thorhighheels appreciation

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Kat On Broadway

Kat On Broadway 's profile picture

Oh i LOVE Hazel she really is one of the best out there!

While I'm here I figure I should recommend a video essay: 'An Exploration of Avata Star Sue-niverse' by Li Speaks. Not exactly anime but I think its very good


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omg i love her videos too !! i just watched the newest one the devilish games earlier today skfldjjskl

by vomitgirl; ; Report

I WATCHED IT AS SOON AS IT CAME OUT i love her nostalgia deep dives!

by Kat On Broadway; ; Report