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Category: Life

environmental facts, sustainability edition

idk, i just wanted to talk about this stuff here since none of my friends wanna listen to it

disclaimer that you should do your own research, you shouldn't take what someone says online at face-value and i don't claim to be an expert on the topic or up to date on EVERYTHING, i'm just autistic and not a fan of destroying our world for profit

also if this stuff upsets you (it should), if you leave a comment or message me and i can direct you to things you can do to help besides just buying reusable products ^^ i like helping people do good things

-71% of greenhouse gas emissions created globally are because of just 100 companies

-only 2% of plastic ever manufactured (and i do mean ever) has been recycled

-preserving natural ecosystems is cheaper than human intervention, even when taking into account a decade's worth of upkeep costs

-middle- and upper-class americans produce 30% of our global trash

-the arctic may be ice-free by 2040, if not sooner

-fast fashion brands like shein are responsible for 10% of emissions and that number is predicted to rise dramatically

-carbon dioxide isn't the only dangerous greenhouse gas, methane is significantly more heat-trapping

-just one person using public transport instead of a car can eliminate 30% of their emissions

2 Kudos


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Red Monaca

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For anyone wanting more information with regards to this (specifically, on how the current ecological crisis is driven by capitalism), there's a video by Think This Through on YouTube that you can watch here (Capitalocene: How capitalism caused the climate crisis):


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thank you for this addition, i meant to add in links like this but i completely forgot ^^

by www.eden.com; ; Report

It's okay; whatever links you might wanna add, you can just edit the post accordingly!

by Red Monaca; ; Report