BritKnee's profile picture

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Category: Blogging



name: Maya
nickname: Brit (I've been called this for so long)
age: 15
pronouns: they/them she/her
birthday: February 12th
siblings: 2 half siblings
straight/bi/gay: Bi/Pan (depends on the flag I like more xD)
job: I may get a modelling gig soon


hair color: Brown, but I want black with pink tips
eye color: blue
height: 5'6
ethnicity: Irish with a smidge of French and Native American
label: emoish
look like a celeb: Not a clue
dye your hair: not in awhile
have bangs: Yep, they arent as obvious as they used to be
have braces: Soon hopefully :P
wear glasses: I should, one eye is almost blind but the other is perfect
wear contacts: nope
piercings: Yep, both lobes and I want a belly button one
tattoos: Nope, my friend wants to Stick'n Poke a red star on me


Color: Black/Burgandy/Violet
Movie: Heathers (1989) or Cube (1997) Requiem for a dream (2000) Jacobs Ladder (1991) Perfect Blue (1997)
animal: Lynx or Foxes (it flip flops)
drink: Milky tea :3
food: Sweet and hour chicken
alcoholic drink: IF I drink I like rum and coke
car: Im 15...
day of the week: Saturday
season: winter
song: Ummmm at the moment I guess its Let Down by Radiohead
restaurant: I don't eat out
teacher: I dont really like any
subject: English Lit
holiday: non
book: Perfume by Patrick Suskind (Ive read it like 8 times)
magazine: I dont read many, GQ for the hot men ig?
flower: Lavender
memory: Photographic


person you hugged: Oli
thing you said: "Uhhhhh"
thing you ate: Pizza last night
texted: Oli
you called: My father (eughhhh)
called you: My father (E U G H H H H)
person you saw: My mother
you had a long conversation with: Myself :D


summer or winter: winter
cats or dogs: Cats (just because I only have them)
Pepsi or Coke: Dr pepper ;D
cell phone or Ipod: ipod
ocean or pool: ocean
black or white: black
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
flowers or candy: flowers
rock or rap: rock
TV or movie: movie
AIM or MySpace: myspace
stars or hearts: Stars
bracelets or necklaces: necklaces
gold or silver: silver
blonde or brunette: Ummmm es ist mir egal
kisses or hugs: hugs
pen or pencil: Fountain pens!!!


smoked: Ew no
failed a test: nope
stayed home from school: Im homeschooled technically
been to the mall: Yep, just to get DVD-R's (I love piracy >:3)
bought a book: about 2
been to a show/concert: Nope
yelled at someone: yes, the mother
got into a fight/argument: yep
cried to a friend: Yep
told the truth: yes
lied: yes


TV: yep
your own phone: nope
your own phone line: yes actually
VCR: no
DVD player: Ya
radio: yes
computer: Laptop, PC is in the living room
posters: 2
of what?: GQ poster and DOOM
pictures: Nope
of who?: N/A


taken or single: Complicated...
got a crush: Two celeb crushes :3
of who?: Jann and Rhea Ripley

5 Kudos


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LuckyStarShooter's profile picture

name: MaxiMazing
nickname: Max
age: 15
pronouns: he/they
birthday: January 29th
siblings: 2 half siblings 1 step sibling
straight/bi/gay: pansexual
job: don't have one


hair color: brown, but bleached
eye color: Hazel
height: 5'4
ethnicity:have no clue
label: alt ish
look like a celeb: Not a clue
dye your hair: every time my natural hair shines through
have bangs: kinda
have braces: Soon
wear glasses: yes
wear contacts: no
piercings: i need to get them redone (lip, tongue, belly button - went to the mental hospital
tattoos: small stick and poke upside down cross on my side


Color: black, hot pink, neons
Movie: v for vendetta (2005), a clockwork orange (1971), sinister (2012)
TV show: euphoria
animal: ferret
drink: coffee
food: i don't know anymore
alcoholic drink: vodka
car: not allowed to drive or have one yet
day of the week: friday
season: fall
song: toolbox - sematary
sport: basketball
restaurant: the pradmedon
teacher: im homeschooled
subject: history
holiday: Halloween
book: girl interrupted
magazine: don't read any anymore
flower: Lilly
memory: Photographic


person you hugged: mom
thing you said: "thank you"
thing you ate: broccoli
texted: aunt
you called: mom
called you: mom
person you saw: mom
you had a long conversation with:mom


summer or winter: winter
cats or dogs: dogs
Pepsi or Coke: coke
cell phone or Ipod: cell phone
ocean or pool: pool
black or white: black
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
flowers or candy: flowers
rock or rap: rap
TV or movie: movie
AIM or MySpace: myspace
stars or hearts: Stars
bracelets or necklaces: both
gold or silver: gold
blonde or brunette: brunette
kisses or hugs: hugs
pen or pencil: pens


smoked: nope just got sober
failed a test: yes
stayed home from school: im homeschooled
been to the mall: nope on risk watch
bought a book: nope
been to a show/concert: Nope
yelled at someone: yes my niece
got into a fight/argument: yep
cried to a friend: nope
told the truth: yes
lied: yes


TV: yep
your own phone: nope
your own phone line: nope
VCR: nope
DVD player: nope
radio: nope
computer: laptop
posters: to many to count
of what?: movies and cartoons
pictures: Nope
of who?: N/A


taken or single: single
got a crush: yes
of who?: my ex

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