I saw Waterparks, Dashboard Confessional, Mayday Parade, and The Used!!! It was so awesome. Sadly my phone died and then I almost got crushed during The Used so I don't have any vids of them :(
The cutest moment was when Bert brought his daughters out and let them sing songs they wrote :') they were so cute. he's such a good dad!
And I was so fucking excited for Mayday Parade that I literally was forgetting the words to the songs because I was just so fucking pumped about it 😭
ALSO HOT TAKE but people shit on Gayle (she made the ABCDEFU song) like.. way too much. It's bordering on misogyny tbh. Her songs weren't bad, she was a very good singer, and she played guitar and bass onstage. I think people just hate her because they think it makes them edgy, but I predict that in a few years everyone will love her and they'll all pretend they never hated her. That's what happens to all alternative bands that get one hit song ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if you disagree idgaf, it's just an observation. You cannot judge an artist when you only know 1 song.
But yeah. Almost died during the Used, only knew one Waterparks song, was a little disappointed Mayday didn't sing Miserable At Best (I'm from Ocala— would've loved to hear it lol) and tbh I think they should've had a longer set on the bigger stage, and the Dashboard Confessional & Waterparks drummers are cute.

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