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Category: SpaceHey

Dangered wolf exposed as a groomer

- 2022-12-11

Dangered wolf's account has been suspended. Thank you all for your support. Please continue to spread awareness, speak out and stay safe.

[Author's note: Dangered wolf identifies as non-binary with a preference for they/them pronouns, so I shall address them as such.]

So I found out about this, but haven't made a blog post about it and I think more people should know.

Profile picture of dangered wolf

SpaceHey's most popular furry (that I'm aware of) that goes by the name "dangered wolf" has been exposed grooming minors and generally lying about things. This is not my expose, but about one month ago someone commented the link on dangered wolf's their profile and I saved it before it got deleted. I feel responsible to share it.

Screenshot of the comment that started it all.

To this day, dangered wolf and their groomer friends are still trying their very best to hide all of the evidence and sweep it all under the rug, so don't let them. Keep in mind that these events in the expose document are not just allegations. The proof is all there and even dangered wolf has admitted to committing these atrocities in an attempt to direct the attention away from them.

Please give kudos on this post and share this information with as many people as you know to make Spacehey a safer place.

 CONTENT WARNING  Attached document contains textually graphic Instant Messaging conversations.

Link to the expose: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SQoVFVx7C_gduAv9Z0SFSF0hke4uK5ZkhFnktPva4zs/

Archived version as of 2022/11/23

(Post edited due to spelling and grammar. Added content warning.)

38 Kudos


Displaying 9 of 9 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Daisy's profile picture

i was friends with one of their victims personally for a while so i've been all too aware of this. while they've had a pretty middling level of success on twitter, seeing them become incredibly prominent here & even get verification has been a bit disheartening. i sent in a report a while back about them but i don't think it really got read, which i can't blame them for lol.

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Thank you for sharing. Spacehey is full of minors, so if we really don't want this to happen again the staff should know what needs to be done.

by Rafael; ; Report

sarah ♡

sarah ♡'s profile picture

holy shit, i was on a bit of a break while this was posted and it got totally buried away from my radar but i just today was like 'hey i wondered what happened to that guy' and came across this post. i hope that everyone involved is alright

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Mr.Timer's profile picture

no fking way, i knew that guy

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Technic-Angel's profile picture

it's always the celebrities and people with power who are the most mentally deranged "human beings". there's something about power that just turns everyone into demonspawns who would do anything for more power, including this. These people think they are above the laws of this world, so don't act surprised if some popular/rich/powerful person turns out to be a sick criminal.

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IcyTea's profile picture

I came back to SpaceHey after a few months of inactivity, thank you for posting this information! They were on my friends list since they used a script to auto-friend people and I didn't think twice about who they were. I'll signal boost with kudos.

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Interesting, I did not know! I got friended too, which I didn't mind until seeing that document. Now they won't be able to friend anyone on here for now, which is for the best.

by Rafael; ; Report


BEEFSTEW's profile picture

I had no idea about any of this, thanks for bringing attention to it. I don't think I've ever interacted with them personally but they were sitting in my friends list for awhile... wish I had known about this sooner :/. Good to see their account has been suspended now at least

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I felt the same way. I can only hope they don't make more victims.

by Rafael; ; Report


MockeryLloyd's profile picture

I wanna make a joke about their username because of this, but at the same time I don't want to.
Anyway, where are they now? Did they delete their account?

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Nope, still on Spacehey and active on Discord as far as I know.

by Rafael; ; Report


Usa_Chan's profile picture

There's no excuse for this

It's insane to think anyone could get away with grooming, especially online where everything is public.

You've got to be out of your mind even to flirt with a kid, let alone say the things he did. This post needs to be archived to show this guy is dangerous.

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100%. The internet does not forget. Now people need to remember.

by Rafael; ; Report


GRIFFEN's profile picture

huh? i never met this guy

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Okay?? Good thing I guess?

by Rafael; ; Report

why was a spacehey famous and i'm not, i'm so much cooler then him

by GRIFFEN; ; Report

Oh, I get it. Ha.

by Rafael; ; Report

i think your pretty famous griffin

by ⛧Max iz Dead⛧; ; Report


my autocorrect thing does not like your name

by ⛧Max iz Dead⛧; ; Report

i'm spacehey famous? HELL YEAH

by GRIFFEN; ; Report