and get the best experience from it
funny enough this game, was one of the few that showed what this very under apricated console was capable of (and was why i refuse to buy pokemon snap on the switch). fatal frame on the wii u is literally the best way to play the game. sure the series started on the ps2 but you arent immersed with a controller in your hands. the game is about taking pictures of ghosts. the wii u port turns the gamepad into the camera, the screen being how you view your surroundings when you're not looking at the tv to move the character. it's an experience not just unique to the wii u but unique to this specific game on the wii u. no other game on the wii u did this despite fans holding out desperately for a pokemon snap game in a similar style (although they also could have gotten away with doing a pokemon snap game like this on the 3ds since the game puts your character in a trolly where you are stationary and only need to look around to take pictures) they never got it meaning this fatalframe game is the only one on the wii u that did this.
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