I've tried so hard to understand them but I just don't. like they were made to make a mockery of the trans community, so why would you want to be something that was made to make a mockery? also I feel like so many ppl are just adding so many new prns/genders it's ridiculous atp. idk can someone just educate me like-- also i've seen multiple ppl have neoprns that are often used as a f3t1sh and idk it makes me uncomfy

i dont understand neoprns/xenogenders
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neopronouns were actually made by neurodivergent people to help them express their gender, not transphobic people! neurodivergent people often expierence gender differently. i know its kinda confusing because they might sound weird, but i promise theyre not harmfull if used properly!! about the fet1sh and k1nk ones, im sorry you had to see those, ive ssen some like that as well, but theyre most of the time bait. also, in every community theres bad people, sadly the also in the neopronoun community. also, yu dont have to understand it thats fine!! as long as you respect them :))
ok ty, the thing like k1nk and f3t1sh ones tho they're often normalized and ppl expect me to support those ones like.. (??)
by Kaci<3; ; Report
ok ty, the thing like k1nk and f3t1sh ones tho they're often normalized and ppl expect me to support those ones like.. (??)
by Kaci<3; ; Report
ok ty, the thing like k1nk and f3t1sh ones tho they're often normalized and ppl expect me to support those ones like.. (??)
by Kaci<3; ; Report
Its really sad that offensive and harmful neos are normalized as well, and you dont have to support people that either use those as bait or are just weirdos.
by _angel__kisses; ; Report
Its really sad that offensive and harmful neos are normalized as well, and you dont have to support people that either use those as bait or are just weirdos.
by _angel__kisses; ; Report