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name:: Heather
nickname:: haven't had a real nickname in years
how old are you:: 33. this spine has had it rough.
zodiac sign:: Virgo
current location:: Tampa, FL
eye color:: brown hazel
hair color:: light brown
hair type:: so fine it won't hold an ounce of styling
height:: 5'7"?
your heritage:: mostly English/colonial American
what's your middle name:: we don't speak about my middle name
shoe's you wore today:: none yet. 
your weakness:: stubbornness 
your fear:: people. hell finds you everywhere.
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: i want to say, no, but for some reason i think maybe?
do you want to:: not really
goal you would like to achieve this year:: actually finish any of the art projects i'm working on/thinking up
first thought when you wake up:: always coffee
best physical feature:: ugh
who is your bestest freind:: my husband
when is your bedtime:: 11ish? i usually push it if i've got a show coming up, though. i'd be mortified if a band saw me yawning during their set xD
your most cherished memory:: it's hard to say. hanging out with my dad was super important, but those memories are kinda bittersweet. i dunno. this question is too much for an adult xD
pepsi or coke:: coke
mc dondalds or burgerking:: McDonald's 100%
singel or group dates:: we don't do much of either
what is the last song you sang:: i think it was Sabotage by Thousand Below? or maybe What do you want from me by Bad Omens. kinda hard to remember when i'm actively listening to Too Close to Touch.
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: it doesn't hurt
what is your biggest pet peeve:: when people assume you know information you have literally no way of knowing
do you drink:: yeah
ever been drunk:: yes, but i usually have to try to get there. liver too strong.
do you smoke:: no
0r do you "SMOKE":: no
do you sing:: i'm not good, but i put on a fucking show in my car xD
what color underwear do you have on:: navy
do you want to go to college:: i did. and i changed my major like 7 times and finally ended up doing what my mom was trying to get me to do the whole time.
have you ever been in love:: i am
do you want to get married:: i already am
do you believe in yourself:: eh
do you believe in others:: not in overwatch
do you like thunderstorms:: moderate thunderstorms, yes. i don't like when the power goes out
do you play an instrument:: flute, oboe, and piccolo. i've tried to learn keyboards, but can't stick with it
what do you want to be when you grow up:: an artist? comics, maybe
what country would you like to visit:: Japan, for sure, and maybe India
how many CD's do you own:: hahahahahahahaha i don't have any idea. hundreds probably. i don't actually know that all of them even still play.
how many DVD's do you own:: more than i think is average
how many tattoo's do you have:: 2
how many piercings do yo have:: just ears
how many things in the past do you regret:: what a fucking question xD


shoes:: Vans old skools
radio station:: i mostly just listen to spotify
drink:: coffee
car:: toyota corolla
place:: i dunno really.
song:: i never really have just one, but i think right now it's maybe Thousand Below's Sabotage. that song's really got a death grip on me rn.
movie:: maybe the new Dune?
moment:: i dunno. i usually live life in the moment and therefore, don't become too attached to one in particular
color:: cerulean blue
meal:: a really good ramen


what is todays date:: november 25th and i kid you not ive been working on this thing for like a week
what time is it:: 830
who are you thinking of:: the annoying person who built advertisements into every single corel product that have to be turned off individually
what are you listening to:: James Deberg's solo project
do you love someone:: my husband
does someone love you:: yeah
is it raining:: it was earlier
how many myspace friends do you have:: i had a ton of myspace friends before they wrecked the platform, but i've got very few here
are you happy:: yeah

0 Kudos


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