hiiii so i've been really sick ,, like i have a fever (youcantsweatout) throwing up, weak and frail.. all that shit LOL 

it was superrr bad yesterday but today was better i actually left the house WOAHH. but yeH i just wanna say sorry for not posting at all i feel bad bc i do wanna use this account for stuff you know?? also i missed so many days of that mcr challenge i might as well do the whole thing in one LMAO im so bad at daily challenges i just forget one day then it does not exist in my mind at all

BUT something good is that I've been watching jacksepticeye's god of war: ragnarock lets play!! i was gonna watch it as it came out but thought, nah, I'll watch it through once he's done. and now that I'm sick and the only thing i can do is stay in bed and die i've been watching that AND ITS AWESOMEE i love the game and the way he does letsplays is just chefs kiss. 15 parts, and it's like 1hr half - 2 hours long per part so yeah A LOT OF CONTENT LMAO

fun fact is that i started watching jacksepticeye in 2014 and i became so obsessed with his channel i would set alarms two minutes before he uploaded and i would refresh youtube so i could be the first to watch it not even to comment "first!!!1" but just so i could watch it instantly. it was still when he would upload twice daily at 5pm and 8pm GMT. im glad he doesn't do constant daily uploads anymore though and just uploads whenever, so much better for mental/physical health!!!

anyway that was a weird ramble but yeah i hope you're doing well and not ill like me! if you are ill like me i hope you get better, and if you're not ill like me, STAY HEALTHY BEING SICK IS THE WORST YOU FORGET HOW MUCH IT SUCKS UNTIL YOU ARE SICK AGAIN FUCKKKKKKKK 

anyway cya xo

- darksh1nes

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