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Category: Life

Oh There's a Blog

I had no idea there'd be a blog function on this place.

Probably will actually use it too. I have so much stuff I'm trying to figure out and what to do this could be perfect if things go well.

Hope this whole site and stuff works out in the end anyway. I keep being tempted to join some forums but it's hard to know what's safe, what's good, and what's not consumed in people so stuck up their own ways they are elitist and don't even know it.

Literally one I ran into was someone who complained about elitist but actively is one themself. Hypocrisy knows no bounds I hear and it shows.

I just want some places to exist and to talk and also to explore my identity and work on my projects while hanging around actual other people.

Possibly explore stuff like soul bonding or whatever and just chill without the jerks flawking in.

Maybe some day.

Zangetsu out.

0 Kudos


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