I love me a game I love Fallout New Vegas so much I have a few characters^__^ One is named Static and it's the courier. It was formally a scientist living in an old nuclear power plant with some other ghouls until one day it EXPLODES!!!!! and Static is the only survivor, but it doesn't really care so it just leaves and finds some odd jobs until it becomes a courier. Static is a very chaotic character. Pretty quiet but somehow truckin along with 10 charisma. It's very good at Repair, Science(ofc), and Medicine.
Theres also Anya! She's a doctor! Her and her queerplatonic partner Mallard used to have a caravan. But then some raiders RUINED EVERYTHING and they were split up. Mallard ended up in the commonwealth, and Anya ended up in the Mojave. Anya is very Stubborn and Independent. She's badass okay. She has 9 Intelligence and shes best at Medicine, Survival, and Science.
And then theres MALLARD!!! He's very chill. Very relaxed. he misses his wife so much. Some would call him slow, but he's very reliable and trustworthy. After he ended up in the commonwealth he decided to settle down in a Red Rocket Gas Station. He's got 9 Endurance and his skills are Repair, Barter, and Melee Weapons.
Statics(It/Gear) signature weapon is the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle and it travels with Arcade and ED-E
Anyas(She/her) Signature Weapon is a Plasma Rifle and she travels with Lily and Rex
Mallards(He/They) signature weapon is a Tire Iron, or any melee weapon really and he travels with Nick
That is all about them for now %
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