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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping

The Wishlist Phenom

I don't know if I've really said as much, but I don't use Amazon for online shopping. Like at all. I'm stubborn and also lucky enough to live near multiple large physical stores, none of which I hate nearly as much as I hate Jeff Bezos. (even my computer tries to correct his name to Bozos!)

So, as a consequence of this, I don't have a single, unified wishlist of stuff it would be nice to have, if i ever had enough money to buy it all.

Instead, I bookmark it. Like on firefox.

Listen. I don't want to sign up for every individual niche website's storefront when i'm only buying the one $5 item i actually find appealing. And SURE, for less niche sites I do deign to give them my email address and create a sufficiently secure passwords. But that's not the point. In fact i have no clue what the point is. But I'll try - so here:

The contents of my bookmark folder titled 'Wishlist' do not fit on the screen of my computer.

And sure, it's not like I buy anything off it. I can't afford it. Plus I've been adding to this folder for MONTHS, maybe even over a year?

Like I don't even shop online intentionally, 9/10 times it's because i find a link on an artist's social media profile and think 'oh cool, shiny things'

This blog entry has no thesis statement. Despite the title. i think. but.

It's doing my online shopping (or lack thereof) in this manner that's allowed me to really see like... exactly how much stuff you accumulate in a wishlist. Like I don't think signing up for a single online megastore can really visually show you how much you're (not) buying. It's maybe something to think about.

Or maybe something to forget. who knows. Buying things you need is basically unavoidable. Buying things you want is gratifying, but like. think about how you do it a little bit (and only a little bit, or you'll lose your mind).

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