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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Peak web design, and it dates as far back as 2009.

And before in fact.

Allow me to introduce the prettiest website I've seen to date and half the reason why my name is what it is as GOD DAMN was this game's visual and auditory deign peak pleasant aesthetic. Yes I know it's in polish but it seems like the international version of the site struggled in the archival process. I'm guessing flash player. All things point to it being similarly styled, just more complex. I'm guessing flash player. Also it seems this exact form was used for languages other than polish, so it might look familiar to you if you ever clicked one of it's many adds back in the day. I also found the trailer from the missing box on YT in exactly the quality it's size would imply. I have the original player flash too, so I COULD re-assemble them buuuuut nah.

legit thinking about stripping it all down and making it my profile style, at least around the edges 'cause I mean just look at it. I am willing to sacrifice the hack3r theme for this.

14 Kudos


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1001110 1000101 1001111

1001110 1000101 1001111's profile picture

I just checked the game out. Thankfully, I can change the language in the settings, and the game looks cool! thanks for recommending it

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The game itself unfortunately ain't what it once was, and even at it's best it was Korean MMO with all the problems that intails, namely in how they monetize. BUT the sound and visuals are honestly something else and even now, after they bloated it the simplicity of core gameplay is nice. The gear is and always was complex tho, and that's where they getcha. That and Seeds of Power. Hold onto them. I remember when low level characters had insanely higher drop ratees for them, and no one told you it would change over time and that you'll need more and more of them.

by Alveus Nosville; ; Report

Ray / Pre-GFC

Ray / Pre-GFC's profile picture

Skeuomorphism and bright metallic gradients were a staple of marketing design during this period up until late 2009/early 2010. I'm not entirely sure which company/product started this trend, but I believe Microsoft and Apple's interface design at the time (God Bless Windows XP for many childhood memories) influenced many companies to follow suit.

I still prefer this design over the current flat, simplistic layout that we've had since 2012ish.

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