My art teacher once said to me I has alot of talent I pick up on things easy and he can see the Passion in my eyes when I do art, but then he said, he can tell I'm loosing passion, coz I'm never at school this is just wasted potential and wasted talent. I keep thinking about that. Through my art he could tell I was just not happy. And that I'm just wasted potential and watsed talent.
I love art well use to, it was my out lit and I was good at it, people praised me because of my art. And I liked it! But I don't really LOVE art anymore. I'm not good at it anymore, people can do it way better and they get more praises. While I'm here stuck drawing shitty anime art that a 12 year old could do. I don't deserve the praise because I know I could do better I have but I can't. I have alot of hobbies I hate doing now. I use to love wrighting but I can't spell use right Grammer or punctuate properly. No one understands what I'm saying anymore so I stoped coz I hated criticism. Even constructive criticism I hated, because it wasn't good enough first try. Then cosplay I still do it but it's just, not as fun. I know people are embarrassed that I cosplay and that's why I hate it. It's a fun hobbie its a way to not be me for a bit and live a little bit of like as someone else. But I embarrass people. I have been told not to cosplay out coz they don't wanna be seen hanging with someone like me. To not follow there friends unless I made an account without photos of my cosplays on it. And how I could have picked a more less embarrassing hobbie. And I'm not even that good at cosplaying.
I just hate getting new Hobbies coz that means I have to start at square fucking one, I just wish the things I liked and do I was good out. That didn't embarrass people. I don't have talent
My art teacher once said to me that I was wasted potential and wasted talent.
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